I've been tagged to do this meme and since I never usually do this stuff I thought I would give this one a try. Seems simple enough, right? :)
1. I am a library addict. Seriously, I go to the library probably once a week and currently have a RIDICULOUS number of books checked out. I'll never get to them all and I don't care...I just like that they are there. Add that to the fact that if I didn't have two little ones I would probably spend hours there just browsing through the books.
2. As well as a book lover, I'm a huge Scooby Doo fan. My son loves this cartoon as well and one of my favorite things to do to relax is sit with him and watch a few Scooby episodes. If only we had the time to do this more often...
3. I'm a lousy cook. And handling raw meat grosses me out. But I am still learning and working on getting better. I think that I need to try and sign up for one of those free recipe to my email type things. I AM good at cooking spaghetti though.
4. I only take showers. I do take a bath once in awhile to relax but then I have to turn the shower on to rinse off and wash my hair. This is going to sound weird but baths make me feel like I'm sitting in dirty water...even though it isn't like I was playing in the mud and then decided to get in the tub. LOL! Like I said, weird, I know.
5. I had never seen the movie A Christmas Story until I met my fiance. Now it is one of my all-time favorite movies and I have to watch it each Christmas when it is on for 24 hours straight. Drives my family crazy since I could watch it over and over.
6. I love when it rains. And rainy days put me in a good mood. I love a good thunderstorm and like to listen to the rain while I am curled up with a good book.
7. And finally, I love to waterski. Seriously, I'm not very good at it but when I'm out on the boat it is one of my favorite things to do. And such a good workout for my arms. I usually can only make it over the wake once or twice without falling but I can get up on the 1st try. Such fun and my son thinks it is funny when I fall.
So there you go, 7 things you probably didn't know about me. I'm supposed to tag a few others so I'll tag Jackie at Literary Escapism, Kara at A World According To Books, and Lisa at Books, Lists, Life. Plus, anyone else who hasn't done this one yet. And I'll be posting a review of Charley's Webb soon. Happy Tuesday!