I FELT LIKE I WAS TRAPPED IN ONE OF THOSE TERRIFYING NIGHTMARES…For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella ever could have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning. . .
My Thoughts:
Sorry guys but really do you need more of a description than that? Everyone in the world seems to have already read these and of course I'm behind the times. My opinion on this book basically comes down to this: I liked this one better than Twilight. It still wasn't amazing or anything but I found myself enjoying it and wanting to pick it up again after setting it down. I've read the reviews and a lot of people find Bella annoying in this one. It didn't bother me that much but I found myself wanting her to look at Jacob as more than a friend. What it comes down to for me is that they are teenagers with those kind of emotions, and reading these books brings me back to all of it. I was less dramatic than Bella as a teenager but I remember being completely in love for the first and the first time that my heart was broken. Maybe that is why these books are so successful, because we identify with some of the emotions that the characters go through. Notice I said some and not all :) I like the way that we got to see the experiences that Jacob goes through in this book and by the end I was definitely rooting for him over Edward. Although I am pretty sure that Meyer is going to take it in the opposite direction. All in all, a good but not great book and I'll eventually get to Eclipse.
My Rating: 4 out of 5
Challenges: 2nds Challenge, YA Challenge, 100+ Book Challenge, A-Z Challenge ("N" Title)
i was 'eh' on this one...i'm not so into jacob. i read a ton of YA (trying to find stuff for my students to get into!) and twilight is a good series...but my favorite (and well-written, too!) is the megan mccafferty series starting with 'sloppy firsts'.
ReplyDeletegreat review, glad you enjoyed this one. Twilight is still my fav in the series.
I really liked this one too. Breaking Dawn was just so-so for me. We have gangs at my middle school...Jacob Fans and Edward Fans. The girls are always asking me which one do I like the best. My response was this: in the winter when it's cold I'm going to curl up with Jacob so he can keep me warm. In the summer Edward can keep me cool! They seemed to be o.k. with my logic, but I did end up buying a t-shirt that says on the back "Runs with Vampires." I guess in the end Edward is the one for me. I loved how you put in there how most of us girls can relate to first love...I think that is it exactly!! Great review!
ReplyDeleteI've heard so many people say they didn't like this one, but I really liked it. I was glad for the break from Edward for a little while.
ReplyDeleteYeah...I was a not-so-big fan of this one. Again, hardly the best literature around, but so damned readable!! I just couldn't wait to see what happens next.
ReplyDeleteI found Bella pretty irritating in the first book, and almost intolerable in this one. I'm so with you on being behind the times. I have Eclipse sitting at home on the table. One of these days...
As a side note, Happy Birthday to your son!! My daughter turns 7 on the 2nd. (and you look so young in your picture!! What were you 9 when you had him???)
Man, I would not know how to review this book if I was only reading it now! Everyone and their dog has read it at this point!
ReplyDeleteI didn't go any further than this one. I didn't care for it, while I did enjoy the first.
ReplyDeleteI read Twilight but didn't continue with the series - I REALLY need to do that as I enjoyed the first book so much. Thanks for the great review!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is still Twilight although I liked the third one well enough. I still have the fourth one to get to eventually. I still like Jacob-I did from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteBooklineandsinker- I'll add the Mccafferty series to my TBR list. Thanks for the recommendation :)
ReplyDeleteNaida- I'm hearing that a lot! Twilight was good but in the end I liked this one better.
Staci- Good reasoning on which one you like better...makes sense to me :)
Shelley- It wasn't so much a break from Edward for me as it was a change in Bella. She seemed different with Jacob and I grew to really enjoy his personality.
Stephanie- These books ARE so damn readable. I end up not even being able to put them down :)
Kailana- Isn't that the truth? It was really hard to write the review as I felt like I was repeating what everyone else has already said.
Joy- It's a good reason to stop. Why waste your time if you aren't enjoying it?
Kara- You should definitely give it a try! I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on it afterwards.
Dar- My Mom is reading the 3rd one now so I will probably read it sometime next month.
After reading Twilight in January I haven't been dying to get my hands on this one, but I think I'll be borrowing it from my friend tomorrow. I expect to feel the same way as you did. Just taking my time through the series.
ReplyDeleteI liked Twilight better but still thought this one was pretty good.
ReplyDeleteTrish- I can't wait to hear your thoughts. I watched the movie last night and am curious as to whether you've seen it yet or not :)
ReplyDeleteLadytink- I liked Twilight too but for some reason this one sat better with me!
I actually saw the movie 'Twilight' before beginning the series. After seeing the movie I read all 4 books within a weeks time. Vampires have always fascinated me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the romantic twist Mrs. Myers put on this series. Great reads for sure, I really liked how everything tied together in the final book, it was a great ending for everyone involved. I ended Breaking Dawn with a huge satisfied smile.