Just a few this week as I already have way too many checked out. I was reading other participant's posts for this week and wanted to state that I, too, am a library addict. And proud of it :) Here is what I found:

The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly- The Once Upon a Time III Challenge just started and it is already adding to my TBR list. I read a review of this and couldn't resist.

Would-Be Witch by Kimberly Frost- I haven't a clue what this is about...I saw the cover and couldn't resist. I just had to grab it and take it home with me.
Fables: Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham- Another one that I had to give a try because of all you enablers :)
That's it for my library loot this week. I completely understand if readers want to stop reading here as I may go on to rant and ramble in the next paragraph. Just ignore me if you are so inclined and I will understand :) Of course, I'm behind in the times and just came across the discussion going on at Amy's blog about community and parasitic book bloggers. A blogger anonymously commented their thoughts on other blogs out there and blew me away. Not in a good way. I left my two cents but kept it short and sweet. But as I'm still chewing on it and stewing over it (hmm...am I hungry or what?) I had to post a bit about it. Basically, anonymous alluded to the fact that they have a "top tier" blog and that there are too many blogs out there that aren't as good as theirs and shouldn't receive review copies because of this. I'm taking review copies out of the equation because they don't matter to me. Review copies aren't what makes me blog, books are. I may not be the best reviewer out there and I am okay with that. I may not have the most followers or visitors and I am okay with that too. What I am not okay with is somebody telling me that my blog isn't good enough because it doesn't get thousands of visitors or because I don't write the best reviews. I put a lot of effort and thought into my blog posts and that is what matters. It disgusts me that someone can get on their high horse and say that others aren't good enough. Who made you judge of all of the parasitic (did I even spell that write?) book blogs? Others felt that Anonymous should have shared who they were for various reasons...mine is pretty simple. That is the type of person that I do not want to be "rubbing shoulders" with or taking the time to comment on their posts for. And for those of you who take the time to visit and comment a HUGE thank you! I appreciate each and every one of you which is why I take time out of my week to comment on all of your blogs. I feel better now :)
P.S.- Thanks to Kimberly at Darque Reviews and Kara at World According To Books for the awards...sorry ladies but I've been too busy to post about them sooner. I do appreciate them and love both of your blogs!!!
P.P.S.- One good thing came out of the discussion and that is I added a Site Meter...something I had never even considered doing before.
I read just a little bit about this but your post really enlightened me as to what the person wrote! I too write my blog for me first and foremost and to just share my love of books. If I get ARC's or whatever that's cool but I'm not out there trying to get them that's for sure. I have a hard enough time getting through my incredibly tall stack of library books!! Loved and agreed with what you had to say about this.
ReplyDeleteNow on to your loot!
I absolutely LOVED The Book of Lost Things...hope you do to.
I would've picked that pick up too just by the cover alone..can't wait to hear what you think about it!
Great post Sam!!!
I have seen the Frost covers too and they look so nice :D
ReplyDeleteAnd congrats on your awards
Sam, The Book of Lost Things is wonderful!! I hope you like it as much as I did!!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I was kind of in the middle of that conversation myself on Tuesday. It actually kind of hurt my feelings, but I'm over it now!! Some people just need to get over themselves. I posted my feelings on this yesterday.
Don't worry. I love your blog!! And others do too. It all of us "smaller" bloggers that keep the big ones going. Where do they think they would be, if WE didn't frequent THEM??? Most understand and appreciate the importance. And for that, I am thankful.
Keep up the good work!
yay for Fables! And for The Book of Lost Things...love both :)
ReplyDeleteThe bit about "rubbing shoulders" with the "powerful" was actually what I disliked the most about the whole comment. It seems to imply that you should only associate with others if they are "prestigious" enough, if they pass some sort of test of "worthiness", if some advantage can be gained by associating with them. I actually see a lot of people in my daily life who have this mindset, but that is NOT how I play. It never has been and it never will be...neither in blogging nor in the outside world.
Anyway...I hope you know how appreciated you and your blog are, Sam.
The Book of Lost Things is wonderful, I hope you enjoy it!
ReplyDeleteSam, I had read that comment and was infuriated. I couldn't even say anything. I have found so many new friends that are new bloggers and I feel blessed because of that. I work hard at my blog too and no I haven't been around for a long time but who cares. I blog and read blogs because of the books and the people that I meet behind them. That person stayed anonymous because I sure wouldn't be spending any time at their blog if I knew who they were. Your blog is great Sam and like all the others I've met, I just feel plain lucky to have met you.
ReplyDeleteWhat ended up bothering me the most about Anon's comments were that some of the most fantastic bloggers who I love so much were the ones who took it to heart.
ReplyDeleteHonestly speaking, I have seen some blogs that seem less about the blog and community and more about the ads and free stuff. But the thing is, I generally don't stick around and read those.
Another thing that has been bothering me lately are prominent bloggers that use their blogs for marketing and then seem to resent the fact that they do. If you don't love it..it if you don't think it's a good use of your time...don't do it! Blogging to me is of course about the outlet of writing, but also so much about the community.
Sorry for that off topic rant!
Staci- Tell me about it...I haven't picked up a library book all week. And I have some really good ones checked out. I'm cutting down on ARC's as I just enjoy having more freedom with my reading.
ReplyDeleteBlodeuedd- Thank you! The Frost cover is awesome :)
Stephanie- I just read your post...it turned out really nice. "Some people just need to get over themselves" is the perfect way to state it! And I love your blog as well!!!
Nymeth- Thank you for the kind words. And that isn't the way I live my life either which is probably why I took offense.
Dar- AWWW...that was so nice. I am glad that I met you too. I feel that it is one of the reasons that they didn't leave their name...they would have lost a lot of visitors.
Amy- Off topic rants are always welcome :) Hence this post...LOL! And I understand what you mean about blogs being only about freebies and not about the actual love of books. I just haven't come across a lot of those. Thanks for the awesome discussion though :)
i love books from the library and have four out right now.
ReplyDeleteas for the comment on the other blog...people are just so weird. i review books from the library, books from my bookshelf, and i've been lucky enough to get a few arcs that i requested.
my reviews are short because the book blogging world tends to overlap. some books get a ton of hype and are being reviewed everywhere...so i keep mine to less than 300 words.
my book blog is a 'new kid on the block' (but i have i life blog i've been writing for 15 months) and i don't get that much traffic. the way i figure it, i'm writing for whoever is interested. it's not a contest...that's so high school! haha. :)
Huh, I wasn't really aware it was hosted by anyone, I'll have to start going by!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm an enabler (well I am if you read my tiny post lol)! The Fables are amazing stories. It took me forever to get around to reading them but once I did, I got completely caught up in one weekend. I really hope they get the TV series off the ground soon!
Site meter is great to have :) Well enjoy your new books and dont mind the dumb people out there. They're probably just upset that they aren't a part of this wonderful blogging community!
I really want to read The Book of Lost Things. So many books I want to get to!
ReplyDeleteI took the comments to heart too, Sam. Once I got over my initial frustration, I went around telling my husband and friends what a parasite I was. :-)
We all got into blogging for our own reasons and there is room for all of us. I like that there are so many different types of blogs out there. The important thing is that we get out of blogging what we hope to--that's all that really matters, right? I've met some amazing people via blogs (like you).
I've heard such great things about Fables--hope you like! I think I might be reading The Book of Lost Things soon.
ReplyDeleteNice rant, Sam. I love your blog and reading all of your reviews. I was at the store a few days ago and saw Ramses II and III and immediately thought of you and your great review. If volI would have been on the shelf, I would have quickly grabbed all three (it was a used bookstore).
The comments left on Amy's blog bothered me a lot as well, for multiple reasons but mostly what you wrote about. I too want to know who left the anonymous comment so that I don't waste my time rubbing shoulders with him/her either. Seriously--who does s/he think s/he is!!!
I really enjoyed Would-Be Witch, hope you enjoy your new reads.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that there was a bit of drama. What bothers me most about posts like that is that they 'open a can of worms' on someone elses blog and leave them to deal with it.
On a happier note...You're most welcome for your award. :)
Looks like some great books. I have to agree with you about blogging for the love of books, too.
ReplyDeleteI finally had a chance to catch up on that conversation over at Amy's blog and wow, ok. I don't even know what to say. I mean who is to say who the top tier bloggers are and most importantly why does that even matter? I think what matters is that we are all here as a book blog community because we want to share in our bookishness. So blog on Sam - you have a lovely blog!
ReplyDeleteOh and hope you are having fun with your book loot! :)
Booklinesinker- Good point about there being so many reviews out there. My reviews used to be shorter and they have kinda grown. Hmmm...even if your blog is new it is really enjoyable to read. And I review books I read from the library too :)
ReplyDeleteLadytink- You are DEFINITELY one of those enablers. Seriously, I am always adding to my TBR list after checking your blog out.
Literary Feline- Ha, Ha...that made me smile. You are right, there is plenty of room for us all :)
Trish- That reminds me that I need to request the next one from the library. Seriously, there are so many books out there and I just can't keep up!
Kimberly- That is great to hear as the book looks so good! And thanks again for the lovely award :)
Carols Notebook- It is all for the love of books! The best reason of all!
Iliana- I am enjoying my books and thank you for your kind words!
In fact, thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to say something nice here. It is much appreciated and you guys don't know how happy you made me!!!
I was especially moved by the ending to The Book of Lost Things. It was worth the whole ride for some of the 'lessons' to be learned; a great fairy tale with depth.
ReplyDeleteBellezza- I am so glad to hear it! The Once Upon a Time Challenge is adding to my TBR list at an alarming rate :)
ReplyDeletegreat library loot, enjoy it :)
ReplyDeleteyou have a great blog and I always enjoy your reviews.
I've met some great bloggers out there, and top-tier or not, thiers are the blogs I visit and whose book recommendations I take.
I hope you enjoy Fables! I love Fables!
ReplyDeleteDitto. I agree with your thoughts on the 'fun' drama of book blog 'quality'. Keep read and keep reviewing! Happy Spring to you, Care
ReplyDeleteNaida- As always, thank you. You have the nicest things to say :)
ReplyDeleteKailiana- I'm really looking forward to it. I've been hearing so many good things about it that I couldn't resist requesting it from the library :)
Care- Thanks! I love springtime so hopefully the weather changes soon. And enjoy your spring as well!