You guys! I'm pretty sure that now is the time for an intervention when it comes to me acquiring books. Aack...I'm drowning in books to read. I had all of these good intentions for getting a bunch of reading done last week and then I managed to not finish anything. Anything at all. So what does a girl do when she has a bunch of books (and by a bunch I mean a ton) just waiting to be read? Apparently this girl goes to the used bookstore and buys even more. In my defense, this is a rarity for me for this exact reason. I have TOO many books! I usually save up books that I've read for credit and when my pile is big enough I'll take them down and bring home more. (The logic there eludes me as well.) But that's what I do. And since my pile was definitely big enough I cut away for a little me time on Saturday and went book shopping. It was lovely! Especially since I found myself in vintage book heaven! I found so many old mysteries and gothic romances that I finally had to tell myself to stop because it was getting to be a bit ridiculous (and I couldn't carry any more). I also managed to leave with more then I brought back for credit. I swear that I never mean to do that. Since I was in bookish bliss, I thought I would share pictures of the books I found at the bookstore. Especially since some of these covers are just amazingly horrific/gorgeous....I really like the cheesy old covers if I'm honest. Give me more! Here is what I grabbed:

Victoria Holt, Barbara Michaels, Mary Roberts Rinehart, and Phyllis Whitney....OH MY! I'm so excited to read each and every one of these! I'm already a huge fan of Barbara Michaels so it is always nice to stock up on her books (I'm kind of hoarding them). I loved
The Circular Staircase by Mary Roberts Rinehart so I just cannot wait to read more by her. I've never tried Phyllis Whitney but I really want to! Plus I found a copy of
Nightkeepers by Jessica Andersen just after I talked about it in my wishlist post. How exciting is that??? I've got lots of good reading ahead of me as soon as I figure out which one to read first :)
I might be a little quiet this week as my son has his first baseball games of the season. I'm hoping to snap up some good pictures though and share them in a Wordless Wednesday post. And I have a TLC book tour scheduled for Thursday so maybe I won't be as quiet as I'm saying. It all depends on how much I get accomplished each night after the ball fields :) Happy Monday and Happy Reading!!!!
wow Sam, that does sound like vintage book heaven! lol...I don't blame you for grabbing these books. Happy reading!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you found some great treasures! We don't have any UBS near us.. but our local libraries do hold used book sales every couple of months, so that's nice. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you have some great reading ahead of you! There aren't any good used bookstores nearby. There used to be a couple on the other side of town, but they've both gone out of business.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to your son on his first baseball games of the season! Mouse is enjoying her soccer class. They're too young to play actual games, so it's mostly just a basic skills class, but she enjoys it--and it's great bonding time for all of us.
Sam, you are funny--"time for an intervention". You're enthusiasm for books is great, and your kids will benefit from it, too! Enjoy! You can never have too many books. :)
ReplyDeleteI see no cause for an intervention because each one of those books was greatly needed to help round out your personal library!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved them all and like you, I think those covers are pretty cool!!!!
ReplyDeleteHave fun with the start of baseball season and may the weather be wonderful for you all!!!
Naida- You should have seen all of the books that I was holding! LOLOLOLOL! If I would have been able to I probably would have brought more home but I couldn't carry them all :)
ReplyDeleteChristine- I have to limit how much I visit the used bookstore for just this reason. I have no self control when it comes to books like these!
Wendy- How cute that she is playing soccer! I remember when my oldest was fun even though they mainly all chased the ball around the field. I love watching him play baseball because it never fails to impress me with how much he improves from each year!
Suko- I NEED a bookish intervention! LOL! I have too many other books waiting on my shelves. And if you knew how many Barbara Michael's books I have just waiting to be read. Oh my :)
Staci- The covers are just gorgeous! I'm a HUGE fan of old books for this reason alone. Ha! Now I just need to find the time to read them all!