I'm currently reading Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. This book is huge and hard to hold so I decided to pick another book to read along with it. Now I'm not very far into Wolf Hall yet so it is hard to tell my feelings about it but so far it has been okay. I'll share more of my thoughts when I actually get farther into the book.
I'm also reading Truly, Madly by Heather Webber which has been really good so far. This was the perfect choice for me as it is a light cozy mystery that is easy to hold (key for when I'm reading and nursing), and I'm really enjoying it. I'm liking it so much that I haven't picked up either of my other reads yet today. I'm assuming I'll finish this one up in the next couple of days as it is going quite fast.
Finally, I'm reading The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. Still. I have the bad habit of putting this one day and then not reading it for awhile (awhile meaning weeks). But I've been reading it a lot recently as I've gotten to a good part and am anxious to see what happens. I'm a little over half way done with the book so hopefully I will finish it sometime in March. As I've said before I really do like this book but I just seem to find it too easy to set aside for something else. Probably because I own it and it doesn't have a due date looming over my head :)
So that's what I'm currently reading. It is highly unusual for me to be reading 3 books at a time but it is working for me right now. Now let's get to what I read in February which was:
1. Spindle's End by Robin McKinley
2. Tainted by Julie Kenner
3. Boneshaker by Cherie Priest (one of my favorites this month!)
4. Street Magic by Caitlin Kittredge
5. Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane (another of my favorites...and now I'm dying to see the movie!)
6. The Iron Hunt by Marjorie M. Liu
It was definitely a good month of reading for me as I enjoyed all of these books. My goal for March is to continue reading and to TRY and get some of my 2009 books reviewed that I haven't gotten to yet. I know I should probably just let it go but I can't. I picked up some new books from the library so be on the lookout for a library loot post this week. And in baby news, D.P. is still doing awesome! Took him to the doctor for a check-up and he is already 12 lbs. He is gonna be a chunker :) He is already one month old...how crazy is that!?! I'll be going back to work at the end of March which means life will get a bit more hectic. Thank God for reading as it keeps me sane! Enough out of me..hope everyone has a great month of reading in March!!