"It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a place to meet up and share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week. It’s a great post to organise yourself. It’s an opportunity to visit and comment and er… add to your groaning TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn here at The Book Date."
Happy Monday folks! It's the week of Thanksgiving AND I have the week off of work which is pretty exciting! We are staying home all week so it's officially a staycation and I couldn't be more here for that. I have hopes for lots of reading and relaxing throughout the week. In honesty, I'm hoping though to get some work done around the house, spends lots of time with my family, and get the Christmas decorations up. It will be a low key week here which is exactly what I've been looking forward to. Last week I hit my Goodreads goal of 60 books finished for the year. It was strangely satisfying watching Goodread's celebrate my accomplishment with virtual confetti. Has it always done that? Maybe I've never paid attention until now.....but it was delightful all the same.
I'm actually having a really great month of reading in November compared to last month. I've already finished six books so far so I'm pretty proud of that number. I would love to finish two more books this week but time will tell. I've been thinking a lot lately about blogging and the new year. What is that going to look like for me? Keep doing what I'm doing which is mainly just reviews and sporadic reading updates? Maybe come up with a few fresh post ideas for the new year? I haven't quite figured it out yet but I have been thinking about it. Let me ask all of you: what types of posts do you prefer to read on blogs? Do you even read book review posts? Is there something that you wish I did differently here or did more of? I love reading updates myself. I love informal talks about the books people have been reading and what their thoughts are as they are reading. I don't read a lot of reviews myself. These three things make me think that I need to change the way I'm doing things here and try something different. But I like being able to go back and read my thoughts on books which is why I've kept writing reviews for so long. It's something to ponder....
Last week I finished up Lock Every Door by Riley Sager. I've already written up my thoughts on it and my review will post this week (tomorrow actually). It was SO good and completely creeped me out! I only have one more book of Sager's to catch up on which I plan on reading in the new year. I'm now currently reading the following two books:
A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny is the second book from her Three Pines series which I checked out from my local library. I'm taking my time with this book and just enjoying visiting Three Pines once again. The author writes beautifully and I find myself wishing that this was a really village readers could visit. I'm curious to see where the book is going as there are hints of dark things to come but so far the murder hasn't yet happened.
Husband Material by Emily Belden is a review copy courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley that I'm reading on my e-reader. It's the perfect change of pace from the mysteries and thrillers that I've been reading lately. I wasn't sure if this was going to be the book for me based off of the first chapter. I kept going though and now I'm about 25% in and really enjoying it.
I would love to finish reading both of these books this week so that will be my reading goals. I do think in the new year I'm going to work on participating in more read-a-thons, buddy reads, and group reads. I've always enjoyed myself when I do participate in these type of things but I don't do it very often. I think it will motivate me to also keep working on stretching my reading boundaries in the new year! I'm off to work on my laundry piles for a bit.
Happy Monday and Happy Reading!
I really enjoyed Fatal Grace though it's been a bit since I've read it or any of the Three Pines books. I need to get back to the series.
ReplyDeleteKatherine, I really have gotten back into the Three Pines series thanks to bookstagram. It is such a favorite on there that it made me want to get back to the series (I had only read the 1st one previously so I reread that and am now on this 2nd one).