Thursday, April 12, 2012

On My Nightstand: April

I'm keeping it simple since we are already 12 days into blog break has put me WAY behind but it was nice to take a little break. Here are two books that I feel like I MUST read in April. We'll see if I actually follow through with these :)


  1. The Dark Rose has me that one first and review it...LOL just kidding *shakes head*
    glad you had a nice break!

  2. Ooh, these look enticing....

  3. I have the first one and can't wait to read it! I like the look of the other one too...steam punk is something I have to try!

  4. Funny how you have a reading plan but stuff happens, mood changes and the books you was sure you would read 3 months from now are still on the TBR list :-)

    Enjoy them.

  5. Yay for The Janus Affair! I need to finish the first book... It isn't working well only reading it on my phone...


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