Kimberly from Darque Reviews tagged me with a meme and I've decided to play along. Here are the rules:
Link to the person who has tagged you.Write down six things that make you happy.Post the rules.Tag six others and let them know you did it.Then tell the person when your entry is complete.
Six Things That Make Me Happy:
1. My son and my daughter (of course) but really the things they come up with...in my mind they are both geniuses already even if they are only 1 and 5 :)
2. My fiance - He isn't mentioned on here a lot as he is a nonreader *gasp* but no matter why I will try to entice him to the dark side..LOL!
3. Books of course
4. A good thunderstorm
5. The library- my favorite place in the entire world
6. Scooby Doo episodes- I love watching these with my kids as they both are Scooby fans.
Six Bloggers that I am tagging:
1. Ladytink
2. Jackie at Literary Escapism
3. Naida at The Bookworm
4. Dar at Peeking Between the Pages
5. Teddy Rose at So Many Books
6. JKaye
and anyone else that would like to play of course ;)
In other news, I am making a few changes. I still have leftover reviews from 2008 but I've decided to hold off on those and post mini reviews for them (one a week) on my Sunday Salon post. I've been neglecting the Sunday Salon and this will be a great way to get me back into the habit of posting and visiting on Sundays. For 2009 reviews, I will be posting a rating and a recommendation. I think that it is hard to rate a book and then not want to go back and change the rating later on. Plus, the different types of books just make it hard for me to decide on my ratings. On the other hand, I really like looking at the ratings when other bloggers do it so I've decided to do a little bit of both. Let me know what you think!
I finished The Bluest Eye and ended up really enjoying it. I will be posting a review of Full Moon Rising this week at some point. I'm reading two books right now which is unusual for me (see sidebar) but as one is nonfiction I needed to have another one to fall back on. We will see how this goes. America and the Age of Genocide will take me awhile to get through but I can already tell that it is going to be worth it. That's all out of me for now :)