Good afternoon all of my fellow bloggers- I hope that you have all been well! I haven't been able to do a salon post for awhile but am excited to be back. Let's get to what I've been reading first. I'm currently reading Sisters Of Misery by Megan Kelley Hall which was sent to me awhile back. It is a YA novel surrounding a group of young girls. It looks like there are some paranormal elements to it but I'm not very far in yet so I'll have to let you know. But the blurb on the back makes it sound amazing so I'm excited to read it. I just recenly finished reading 1st To Die by James Patterson. I'll have a review posted in the next day or two. I'm having trouble rating it as I was kinda detached from this book for most of the story. I'm gonna have to mull it over and decide. I've also read and reviewed Reunion In Death and Gods In Alabama both of which I enjoyed.
In other news, my oldest started kindergarten. I would swear that I blinked my eyes and he turned 5. I keep asking myself how this happened but he is loving it and doing well. Plus he is really excited about learning how to read which is exciting for me :) And his sister has decided to not be out done and has taken her first steps. Needless to say there have been a lot of tears (from me of course) as I see my two babies grow. I also recently joined Shelfari and am joining probably too many groups on there but oh well. I've been seeing people playing book tag though and decided to join in myself. The tag for the month of September is dragons so I picked up a Katie MacAlister book for this. I'm excited about it and thinking that it will be up next. Now I'm off to see what all of you have been reading while I've been gone...or maybe just this week :)
P.S.- I forgot to add that Maw Books is hosting a reading and blogging campaign for Darfur that I am going to be participating in. I urge you all to go and check out her blog...maybe it is something that you would like to join in with as well.