
Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Sunday Post #16 (Getting Fit Edition)

"The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme"

Oops, another week has come and gone without me posting any reviews or really any other posts.  I'm starting to sound like a broken record over here but life has just been busy, busy.  This may just be our new normal for now.  In between all of the running around that was this week, yesterday I participated in our local Race For the Cure event.  This was my very first time running this race and it was a really great experience.  I ran with a close friend of mine and we managed to finish the 5K in around 38 minutes.  Not too shabby for my first race in longer than I can remember and without me training for it (at all as I haven't found the time).  Yesterday left me feeling very inspired and now I am planning on signing up for more local races.  I also plan on pulling my oldest outside with me today and going for a run.  Because I would like to actually start preparing for these and working to get myself back in good shape.

In reading news I am chugging right along.  I actually managed to finish two books this past week.  That is really great for me as usually I only manage to finish one.  If I could manage to write at least two book reviews this week then that is what I would call a real success.  I'm getting really excited to start the #COYER challenge and work on catching up on some of these NetGalley books that need to be read.  I might start early as I just can't wait to get started!  I'm getting off track are the books that I finished last week:

The Clockwork Crown by Beth Cato - Oh this book!  It gave me all of the feels and I just cannot wait to see what else this author comes up with.  So, so good and I cannot wait to share my thoughts on this one. 

The Wrong Man by Kate White - I have yet to read a bad book by Kate White.  This book was just as good as I have come to expect with twists, turns, and lots of suspense.  This book might have lacked believability a bit but made up for it as it was such a page turner!  I'm planning on writing up my thoughts on both of these books this week. 

I'm now currently reading the following:

The cover of this one just makes me think of summer which makes it the perfect read for this time of year.  I've just begun it but as I've already enjoyed a different book that was part of the series, I have high hopes for this one.  I'm trying to hold off on a new kindle read until #COYER but that just may not happen.  Too many good books calling my name that are on kindle.

Plans for today include a run, laundry, cleaning, and hopefully some reading in the sun while the kids play in our little pool.  My garden boxes could use some work as well so I should probably do that while I am outside too.  I also really, really need to reach my goal of writing two reviews.  I will also be blog visiting at some point later on in the evening.  Are you enjoying these gorgeous summer days?  What summer reads should not be missed?  Share, share, share!

  Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I heard great things about Kate White, I need to read her one day. I have read books by Mariah Stewert but they were suspense books. Look forward to see what you think of the book.

  2. I have not read a Kate White book as yet, but I've been eyeing this one. Have you read her book, The Sixes? That one sounds good to me. Have a good week!

  3. Congrats on the run! I've enjoyed Kate White's books, and will definitely be on the look out for this one. Have a great week.

  4. Sorry life's a little busy now - hopefully it's with good stuff! This is the second time recently that I've seen The Clockwork Crown mentioned with some pretty gushy feelings. Looks like that is one to check out!

  5. Congratulations on running the Race for the Cure! I am back into working out on weekdays (minor compared to running a 5K), and am feeling proud of myself. I hope I can keep up the motivation.

    I'm going to participate in COYER this summer and am looking forward to the Scavenger Hunt.

    Take care, Samantha, and have a great week!

  6. Congrats on the race Sam! That is so awesome. I was supposed to start back on my diet and exercise routine today but forgot. Bad me! lol.

    You are always so busy. I really don't know how you keep up with the kids and everything else. You're super mom I think.

    I'll be spotlighting Kate's book tomorrow. It sounds so good. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on it because I think I'll have to read it soon myself.

    Hope you have a great week!

  7. Congrats on the 5k! It is difficult, but so beneficial. Enjoy your new books. I have not been posting much but I hope to post more soon.

  8. I'm hearing about Beth Cato all over the place lately, it seems! Will have to add her to my list.

    Congrats on the 5k! Since I'm not a runner, that time means nothing to me, but I am always hugely impressed that anyone goes running anywhere ever, particularly in the summer when it's all hot and muggy and gross. Yay for you!

  9. almost seems impossible to keep up with blogging and the such during the summer time!! So many other things going on. I did a Race for the Cure years ago and it's such a great event...just wish it was a little cooler here when it was held. June is too hot for a race!

    Enjoy the summer!!! I bet your kids are in heaven. :) (if they're not complaining of boredom like my niece who's out for the summer). Ha!


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