- Fatal February by Barbara Levenson- This was so-so for me...on one hand I enjoyed the mystery and the main character but I did have some issues with other parts of the story. I ended up liking it but not loving it.
- Ramses, Volume I: Son of Light by Christian Jacq- I've been wanting to read historical fiction this year and this was a perfect example of why. I LOVED this book and be on the lookout for a review of it this week at some point.
- Heartstopper by Joy Fielding- Another good thriller from Mrs. Fielding! I'll be looking up her backlist and reading the other books that she has written.
- The Kingmaking by Helen Hollick- I was sent this book to review and I'm so glad that I had the chance to read it. I'll be sharing a guest post on March 5th as well as my review so be on the lookout for it. Great read!
- Wicked By Any Other Name by Linda Wisdom- If you remember back, I read and reviewed Hex Appeal by this author and enjoyed it. This is the next in the series and was just as enjoyable as the previous one that I had read. I HAVE to get the 1st book in this series and read it ASAP!
- Her Royal Spyness by Rhys Bowen- What a fun read! I read this for a bunch of challenges and am definitely going to be continuing on with this series.
- Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn- This was a reread for me but a great start to this series. I will be reviewing and participating in a blog tour for this series so expect to see this review sometime this week as well. BTW-how do you incorporate YouTube videos into your posts? If someone could comment and let me know that would be great!
So that is it for me. I'm currently reading In The Woods by Tana French which is number 18 for the year. I'm not very far into it but I do like it so far. I'm also working on America and the Age of Genocide. I've learned so much from this book already! I'm behind in reviews as always (I've only reviewed one book for the month of February) but I am determined to catch up. I've also joined the 1% Well Read Challenge and Orbis Terrarum Challenge which is craziness but I'm excited! I'll be by to see all of your posts later today...happy reading :)