
Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Sunday Salon- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Good morning Sunday Saloners! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is one of those books that I put off to review too long and is now leftover from 2008. I've gushed over the series a lot here and I'm not going to stop now. Let's just start off with a brief and hopefully spoiler free summary:

The book begins with Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the Weasley house getting ready for Charlie's wedding. They are also trying to prepare for the journey that they are about to embark upon. The action starts shortly after and before the reader knows it we are on the journey with them looking for the Horcruxes. Rowling is a very talented author and is able to pull the reader into the story with ease. Whenever I was reading any books in this series I found myself immersed without even realizing it. I literally could not put these books down and would be reading them late into the night.

What makes this book great is that you see the struggles that Harry and his friends go through to find the Horcruxes. I was rooting for them the entire time and trying not to rush through the book to see how it was going to end. I felt like we saw the characters grow in this book and I couldn't help but wish they were my friends too :) The last 200 pages or so of this book were amazing and once I got to this point I couldn't stop. The emotions that ran through me as I read it were such a mixture that at one point I was smiling and a little while later I was crying. What an amazing read! My only complaint was I wanted more at the end but even that wasn't really a complaint. I just wasn't ready to leave Harry's world and would have been happy to keep reading even more.

This series were my top reads of 2008 and I believe I rated each of them a 5 out of 5. I will be rereading this series in the future and will be glad to revisit my friends at Hogwarts. I can't help but restate that if you haven't read this series (or believe it is just not your thing) then you might give it a try. Highly recommended and with only positive things to say!

** In other Salon news, I finished two books this week. Fatal February by Barbara Levenson was a review book and I will be posting my review on the 18th for the book tour. I have a bit of mixed feelings on this one but you'll have to wait for my review to see why. I also finished Ramses: Son of Light by Christian Jacq and was entranced by this novel. There are more in this series that I will be picking up soon. I'm currently reading Heartstopper by Joy Fielding but not very far in so I'll save my thoughts for later. My mom gave me a borrowed copy of New Moon to read so I'll probably be jumping back into that series soon. That's it out of me so I'll let you all get back to reading :)


  1. The Harry Potter books are such a fun series. Definitely one I plan to revisit someday.

    I hope you have a great week, Samantha!

  2. I've only read the first book **hangs head in shame** but I do truly want to start reading the series again...I loved all the movies but know that the books are probably better.

  3. I read Deathly Hallows so quickly when it first came out - in two days - because I had to know how it all turned out. I need to go back and re-read it more slowly, to savor it this time.

  4. Love love love the Harry Potter books. I find I re-read all of them before seeing the new movie that comes out each year! :)

  5. I really need to go back and reread the last few books of the HP series. I read the last one so fast that I don't remember a whole lot. lol. Ideally I'd love to start at the beginning again. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much-it's my favorite series of all time.

  6. It's good to find a new favourite series! :) I can't say I *love* the Harry Potter books, but I have read them all. My favourite is probably Prisoner of Azakaban.

  7. Literary Feline- Thanks and I hope you have a great week as well :)

    Kara- Don't worry about it. You will get back to the series eventually and I'm sure you'll enjoy them when you do!

    Carrie- I can understand that. I had to force myself to slow down at times.

  8. Saveophelia- I am dying to see the 6th movie. I can't wait for this summer!!!!!

    Dar- I think it is my favorite all time series as well. I really, really enjoyed these books :)

    Eva- I read a lot of series but this one definitely takes the cake for me. I just loved these books!!

  9. Someday I may reread the series through! I loved this last book, but was kind of sad that it was the end! I plan to read The Tales of Beedle the Bard soon.

  10. Shelley- I was sad to see the series end too. I wanted more and felt a bit loss when I was through :)

  11. I have a feeling I'm going to re-read the entire HP series again one day lol!

  12. Ladytink- You and I both :p I loved it!

  13. I absolutely loved the Harry Potter series too (I think my favourite would be The Goblet of Fire) but I really hated the ending of the last book - not sure why she needed to add that.

  14. Karen- That is interesting to hear. I didn't mind it but would have liked to read even more. I guess I just wasn't ready for the book to be done :)


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