
Friday, February 27, 2009

Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

What is it with so many books having two guys chasing after the same girl? On the risk of going off on a bit of a tangent rather than reviewing this book, I have to say that it is becoming quite common. I mean Jacob and Edward in the Twilight books, Adam and Samuel in this series, Ranger and Joe in the Plum series (I haven't gotten to that point in this series but have heard about it) and I'm sure there are more out there. Quite the dilemma for the heroine. I suppose it is the idea of two guys fighting over the girl that is appealing but anyways before I get off track... :)

Give a brief summary:

In the 2nd installment in the Mercy Thompson series, Mercy helps Stefan out and gets herself into a worldwind of trouble. Now she is dealing with sorcerors, demons, vampires, and werewolves and has her hands full. Plus, she is still trying to sort out her feelings between Adam and Samuel.


Everything about this book and this series so far. Mercy's character is unique and likeable and I love that she is so headstrong. The world that Briggs creates draws me in and I get lost within the book. I love the chemistry between Adam and Mercy and am hoping that they eventually find each other. I also enjoy all of the other elements that Briggs includes within these novels including the fae, vampires, and other things that go bump in the night. This story was fast-paced and intense with a bit of edge to it that kept me turning the pages as fast as I could.


None. Other than I am ready for some resolution between the Adam-Samuel-Mercy triangle that is going on. But it doesn't detract from the story in the least in my opinion so I can't really count that as a dislike. I just want to know which guy she chooses! Chalk it up to my impatience but it will be one of the reasons why I pick up the next book sooner rather than later.

Additional thoughts?

Hmmm...give this series a try! It is a great start if you haven't tried any urban fantasy in my opinion and might get you more interested in this genre. All in all, I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the 3rd book in this series. I'm liking this series so much that I might have to buy copies for my keeper shelf (which is rare for me).

My Rating/Recommendations: 4.5 out of 5; Recommended to urban fantasy and paranormal romance fans!
Challenges: Support Library Challenge, 100+ Book Challenge, 2nds Challenge, A-Z Challenge ("B" Author)


  1. The "two guys one gal" scenario is getting a bit old but I love this series so I didn't mind too much. I hope Stefan will have more appearances in the future.

  2. Ladytink- I love this series as well so I can't say I is just something I have been noticing lately.

  3. I have the first in the series on my TBR pile (well, on my computer - LOL). Looks like I am going to have to start this series!! Great review.

  4. Kara- I really think that you will enjoy this one. It is more gritty than a paranormal romance but it is such a good series!

  5. I started this one last night while waiting for my hubby to come home and ended up reading late into the night. I discovered the series last year. Great review.

  6. Robin- Glad to hear that you enjoyed this one as well...I ended up staying up late to finish it also :)

  7. Defintely a favorite series for me, and I really enjoyed your review.

    *Love your review format Sam...relaxed and fun to read. :)

  8. Kimberly- Thanks so much! I'm liking this series more and more :)

  9. The two guys one gal thing is pretty big nowadays :) At least it's not 3 guys 1 gal like in PC & Kristin Cast's House of Night series! Mercy didn't grow on me until Iron Kissed (but now I really like her) and incidentally, Iron Kissed will give you the Samuel-Mercy-Adam resolution you're looking for :)

  10. Mo- I am so looking forward to Iron Kissed so I'm really glad to hear that. I have the Cast series on my TBR list but haven't started them yet :P

  11. Keep reading, the next one is even better but be warned it ends on a darker note. I have book four to read and I can't wait to get around to it. You should check out ON the Prowl and Cry Wolf for her other series as well if you haven't already.

  12. Rhinoa- I actually have both of them as I won them in a contest but I am waiting to read them until I catch up with the Mercy series first :)


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