Way back when, I originally started this blog in large part because of Yahoo book groups and reading challenges. Before I even knew what a book blog was, I had found Yahoo's book groups and was happily immersed within the community even if I was a lurker the majority of the time. My only problem was (and still is) that I am such a weird reader. Maybe electic would be a nicer word but weird works for me. You see I have the tendency to want to read EVERYTHING. There are very few genres that I won't read and some of the genres that I don't read a lot of...well, I always plan on reading more from those genres :) All of this means that I was joining groups left and right: paranormal/urban fantasy groups, general bookish groups, literary fiction groups. You name it and I was probably a member of it if it was related to books. I finally had to cut back some as I had joined too many groups and couldn't keep up with any of them. (BTW- I have a tendency to never do anything in moderation when it comes to books) And then I created this blog and got away from my groups entirely.
The other day I realized that I really wanted to participate in a book group that discusses books. Maybe even with a monthly group read. And since it just isn't possible for me right now to belong to a face to face book club, I decided I need to find an online book group that is right for me. Except I can't quite find what I'm looking for as I need a group that reads from multiple genres. I don't want a club that just reads classics for instance...instead I would like one that has a month where they read a classic and then maybe the next month they read something entirely different. Is there anything like this out there??? I could go with one of the groups that I already belong to but that would mean trying to decide which book group "read" I should go with which is a bit problematic for me. Especially since I still belong to multiple groups of different genres. I want to read them all. Seriously. I have issues :) Are there any amazing online book groups out there that you think I should check out??? And does anyone else think I have enough on my plate and should probably not even be worrying about all of this?? LOL!
In reading news, I'm currently reading Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler. It's pretty good but I'm not quite connecting with the main character and some of the choices that she is making. I just have a different direction that I want her to go in if that makes any sense and so I'm waiting to se

Happy Sunday!