You've all probably figured out by now that I'm a "library nut" and I'm not afraid to hide it. I have a strong tendency to check out way more than I can possibly read and one of my favorite things to do is put books on hold. But I ended up clearing out my library pile this week and taking almost all of them back. Except Greywalker by Kat Richardson as that's the book I'm currently reading. All of this means that I only have 8 books checked out...yep, I mean EIGHT!! This is unheard of for me as I usually grab that many in one trip at the library...okay, maybe two trips in one week or something like that :) Since I haven't shared my loot in awhile I thought I better share what I've got now.

1. The City and The City by China Mieville - I've always wanted to read something by this author so I literally snatched this one off of the shelves.
2. Blindsighted by Karin Slaughter - Thriller...need I say more?
3. The Founding by Cynthia Harrod Eagles
4. Grimspace by Ann Aguirre
5. The Magician's Apprentice by Trudi Canavan - Haven't a clue what this one is about but I was intrigued by the cover.
6. Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin - Really, really want to read this one... I think I may read it next.
7. Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy
and of course Greywalker but that leftover from my last library loot post.
All of these are PLENTY to keep me busy especially since it is summer and I'm busy running around to ball games, boating, spending as much time outside as possible, etc. So you would think that I would be satisfied but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm in the mood for some recommendations and I'm not sure why or what I'm exactly looking for. I would like to say that I'm kinda going for the lesser known books that aren't all over the blogsphere (The Hunger Games I'm looking at you) and are maybe general fiction, women's fiction, literary fiction, or maybe just some speculative fiction. I really don't know to be honest...but if you would be so kind as to share any good reads that you've come across in the comments (that may or may not fit in with everything I said above) I would be eternally grateful. Seriously. And maybe I'll figure out this weird mood that I'm in.