Okay, we're almost there. I'm also joining in on the Twenty Minute Book Club Challenge at the Aluminum level. This only requires 4 books but I may read more if I can.
There you have it folks...now wish me luck on finishing all of these. I may change the books that I read but probably not the categories, so in other words I will definitely read a cozy, books for my ongoing challenges, etc. I'm looking forward to this and to seeing what everyone else is reading (and adding to the TBR list of course)!
This is quite funny (who comes up with this stuff) but I am honored that she decided to share it with me. I HATE sharing these as I always end up skipping someone that deserves it but apparently I have to give it a shot...or risk the wrath and stuff like that. How about I give this award to:
You can find all of these blogs in my sidebar as apparently I'm too lazy busy to link up to them. And how about if I risk the wrath and nominate every single blog in my sidebar. I love all of your blogs. I'm off to go figure out which books are due at the libray tomorrow and maybe request a few more as I'm feeling a bit book crazy. What would I do without the library and your blogs to fuel my addiction?
P.S.- I hate Blogger's spacing issues! Seriously...