
Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Sunday Post #46 (Reading Craze Edition)

"The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme"

I'm writing to you from inside a warm house while the snow just seems to keep coming down outside.  It's crazy pants and I'm ready for spring weather already!  My daughter was supposed to have her first softball tournament of the year but it was cancelled due to the lovely snowstorm that is currently in our area.  I didn't get a chance last week to post a reading update as she had her opening ceremonies for her softball organization.  There is a good chance that my blogging is going to be taking a slight hit in the upcoming weeks so fair warning.  I usually write all of my posts on the weekends as week days are just too busy for anything else.  With a scheduled tournament coming up for almost every weekend in April....well, I'm going to have to figure out a different time to blog or you won't ever hear from me.  LOL!  And baseball will be here before we know it as well.  I love this time of year though so no complaints.

I've been pretty boring otherwise.  Just lots of work going on with me trying to fit in overtime wherever possible.  I've been reading up a storm though.  I thought I was going into a reading slump until the past two weeks happened.  I've finished five books since my last reading update.  Yep, you read that right....five!  I really need to work on catching up on a few reviews at this point.  I'm just trying to ride this reading wave because you never know when it will end.  Or maybe it won't if I keep mixing up my genres and picking really great reads.  A girl can hope, right?  Since my last reading update I've finished the following books:

Natural Thorn Killer by Kate Dyer-Seeley - I actually have already shared my thoughts on this one but if you haven't read my review just know that I enjoyed this one a lot.  It was a fun read and I'm really looking forward to the second book now (although I have a bit of a wait).

The Chalk Man by C.J. Tudor - I then picked up this thriller and was totally enthralled by this creepy mystery!  I've never actually finished reading It by Stephen King (despite having started it twice now) but it has that same kind of vibe to it almost with the band of young friends and the troubles that they find themselves in.  I will be sharing my thoughts on this one very soon!

What Made Maddy Run by Kate Fagan -  I needed a complete change of pace with my reading so picked up and finished this nonfiction read within two days.  It was so completely heartbreaking but also such a great book!  I'll discuss more in my review but I think that this book hit me particularly hard as my son is a freshman hoping to play football in college.  I'm eager to write up my thoughts on this one as well but I can highly recommend!

All The Beautiful Lies by Peter Swanson - This is my second book by this author and it was just as enjoyable as the first one!  I actually read this one a bit early as it doesn't release until April so I won't be sharing my thoughts on it until then.  I will say that it was a compelling read that left me eager to continue reading this author's books!

A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn - I just finished this one earlier this afternoon and it was such a delightful read.  I just couldn't get enough of this book and these characters!  I'm so glad that I have more books in this series to look forward to because I adored everything about this book.  I will also be writing up my thoughts on this one very soon.

I'm now currently reading the following:

Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine is my current print read and one that I just began reading last night.  I'm not very far into it yet but I have heard good things!  Dressed for Death in Burgundy is most likely going to be my next Kindle read.  I was so excited to find out about this book after enjoying the first book, Love & Death in Burgundy, so much!  This one isn't scheduled to release until May though so I might read something else first....I haven't quite decided yet.

Plans for today include working on my laundry piles and not much else.  The house is mostly clean so I'm hoping to spend some of the afternoon relaxing with my book.  I should probably work on writing up reviews and pre-scheduling posts considering how busy life is going to get in the near future.  I was thinking about working for a few hours as well but I haven't quite decided yet if that is going to happen or not.  Also, since I started writing this post yesterday and it is now Sunday morning...I'm happy to report that the snow has finally stopped!  Let's hope that we get some sunshine today to start the melting process once again.

Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!     


  1. A Curious Beginning sounds lovely. Have a good reading week.

    1. VVB32 - It really was! A five star read for me and those are the real gems in my opinion :)

  2. I have the audiobook of Stillhouse Lake that I will be starting today. I hope we both enjoy it. Looks like lots of great books. I hope you enjoy your new books!

    Mary my #SundayRoundup

    1. Mary - I'm really enjoying it so far! I'm just about 100 pages in and hooked. You'll have to let me know what you think when you finish :)

  3. You've had some good reading! I have The Chalk Man to read as well as Stillhouse Lake, All the Beautiful Lies, and Natural Thorn Killer. Whew! Who knows when I'll get to any of them? I bet snow does put a crimp in the softball season. It has seemed like a long winter for many. Our bluebonnets and wildflowers are starting to bloom all over and so we seem to be moving rapidly into spring. Finally. Hope you have a good week and don't worry about posting. We'll still be around when you get a chance to share. :-)

    1. Kay - I say this to you all of the time but we sure do have such similar reading tastes! You'll have to let me know when you read any of the above as I would be interested to hear your thoughts on them. I'm so ready for spring and planting my tomato plants! I might even try for a garden again this year!

  4. I loved It which is why I'm interested in reading The Chalk Man, though I've seen very mixed reviews of it.

    1. Chuckles - I feel like the vibe to both of them was similar but having never yet finished It, I'm not sure how similar. I really liked this one though and will be definitely be watching for this author's next book!

  5. I loved A Curious Beginning and am super excited to continue with the series though who knows when I'll get around to that. What Made Maddy Run sounds like quite the read and Chalk Man is on my TBR. I can't believe you still have snow! I think I would cry though to be fair I'm very wimpy when it comes to cold weather! Hope you're having a great week!


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