
Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Sunday Post #41 (No Sleep Edition)

"The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme"

I'm writing up this post on Saturday evening as I have a sleepover in progress for my youngest and won't be getting sleep anytime soon.  I figured now would be the perfect time to get some blogging in ahead of the game as tomorrow all I'm going to want to do is relax.  That's not going to happen but hey...a girl can always dream!  It's my youngest son's birthday today - he is eight years old.  It's entirely too crazy to think how fast the time has gone but he is a great kid who completes our crazy family.  He is having a great birthday with lots of friends to hang with for the night.  Good times for sleep for me.  LOL!

Life went back to normal this week with work, overtime, practices, and more.  This is technically our "quieter" time when it comes to sports but that honestly doesn't mean too much.  My oldest has football lifting four days a week.  My daughter has softball practice two days a week and then my youngest has basketball practice one night.  That's not counting basketball games on Sunday as well.  I'm tired just typing it.  I still managed to have another great week of reading though so that's a win!  I finished two more books which puts me at six books read for the year already.  Who is this girl???  I've now read four books that count towards #COYER Winter Switch.  My goal is ten books read so I'm getting there but need to focus on reading my e-books a bit more often if I want to meet that goal.  Exercise-wise I ran once but did exercises (sit-ups, etc) two other nights so that's definitely better than last week!  I'll probably take next week off of running entirely and just focus on my other exercises instead.  But on to the books!  Here is what I finished last week:

A Whisper of Bones by Ellen Hart is book #4 read for #COYER Winter Switch.  It was an enjoyable read and has me excited to now go back to the beginning of this long running series.  Also it features a lesbian main character if you are looking to diversify your reading a bit.  I won't be sharing my thoughts on this one until February since that is closer to when this book releases.

Montana Heat: Escape to You by Jennifer Ryan was a mixed bag for me.  I enjoyed parts of it and some of it not so much.  I liked it enough that I want to read more by this author so not all bad but not all good either.  I'll try to explain it a bit better in my review.  It was a good change of pace switching to a romance after finishing a couple of mysteries though.  I'm going to try to do that more often this year!

I'm now currently reading the following:

Death Below Stairs by Jennifer Ashley is my current print read.  I've been wanting to read this one every since I first heard about it.  I've just barely begun but I can already tell that I'm going to like it.  This is my first book by Ashley despite my having her other series on my TBR list for some time now.  Look For Me by Lisa Gardner will be my next Kindle read.  I haven't actually started reading it yet but it is definitely up next.  Two years ago I read and loved Find Me by this author (it was a top ten read for me).  This book features some of the same characters and I'm so excited to read it!  I have very high hopes for both of these books!

New Additions:


I've been a bit horrible this week when it comes to new books as you can see.  And this is the reason why my NetGalley ratio never seems to get any better....I just keep requesting more.  Sigh.  I think that I need #COYER to be a year long challenge at the rate that I'm going.  There are just SO MANY good books though!  And I want to read them all!  (Please know that I'm shaking my head at myself over here LOL!)

Plans for tomorrow (or today when you are reading this) include a nap for sure!  We have a basketball game to go to for my youngest and laundry to be done as always.  Other than that, I'm leaving everything off of my schedule so that I can just relax.  I'll probably try to spend as much time as possible curled up with my book because that sounds just about perfect!  In reality I will spend at least part of my day putting my house back in order.  It will be worth it though as I love to start the week with a clean (or semi-clean) house.  I'll be by to visit with all of you throughout the week!

Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!


  1. I remember those days of sleepovers and little rest for the Mom. However, time passes and then you wake up and realize that your little one is 35 and that makes you - ??? Ha! You are at a busy time of life. I'd say enjoy, but I know that you do. Your books read and picked new look wonderful, as always. Hope you get some relaxation today and have a good week!

  2. Sounds like a good and busy week! I want to read Death Below Stairs. I hope you get your nap today!

    Have a great week!

  3. I hope the sleepover went well! Happy Birthday to your son! I've read more than I expected so far this month too. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. LOL I loved Death Below Stairs and hope you continue to enjoy it. I hope you enjoy your new books! Have a great week, Sam!

  4. I didn't love Escape to You by Jennifer Ryan either. She has some GREAT books so I am thinking that one was just a miss for me. Normally, I love her stuff.
    Have a good week!

  5. Ooh, so many delicious books! I have already added Look For Me to my list...and now I want to add more of these. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. I want to read death Below Stairs too, looks great. And Come A Little Closer looks like a tense thriller.

  7. Wow, what a bunch of great looking thrillers. A good friend of mine LOVED Death Below the Stairs but I've yet to check it out. I'm sometimes amazed at how parents are able to keep up with all the school activities and such, especially when they have multiple kids. Kuddos to you!

  8. I have the same problem - I acquire books faster than I can read them. I frequently check out too many books from the library and then I buy too many as well!
    The cover for A Whisper of Bones is really nice! I love it when a book has a pretty cover. It makes me want to read it even more!

  9. I was never a big fan of sleepovers. Even if they're well behaved and quiet I can never sleep well. Hopefully you lot lots of relaxing in on Sunday! My son just turned 8 too and I'm struggling with it a bit. It's such a big kid age that I can ignore how fast time has gone by. I've got a Whisper of Bones coming up soon on my TBR and I really enjoyed Death Below Stairs. I really liked the non-mystery behind the scenes in a big house bits as much as the mystery! Have a great week!

  10. Happy Birthday to your boy! I bet he had a wonderful time with his friends during the sleepover and hope you got a chance to take a nap! haha... Lots of great books here. I am curious about the Pretty Little Killers - what a title!

  11. Happy Birthday to your son! Sorry about the hectic week though. Keeps certainly keep us busy don't they?!?! Enjoy the new books and thank you for stopping by my Sunday Post.

  12. Happy Birthday to your son! I hope he had a wonderful sleepover and that you were able to catch up on some relaxing time. I'm trying to ban myself from Netgalley but it isn't really working. I love the title of Pretty Little Killers so I'm pretty curious about it. I hope you have wonderful week.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  13. Happy Birthday to your son. Sleep overs are fun, but tiring! I see quite a few books that I want to read.

  14. Happy birthday to your son. I hope you enjoy your new books and have a wonderful reading week. 😁❤️


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