
Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Sunday Post #30 (Summer Fun Edition)

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme"

Happy Sunday everyone!  It has been awhile yet again but let's ignore that fact and catch up.  I'm working on this post later than usual as we just picked up the kiddos from their five day stay with my parents.  It was a quiet week with them gone and it is nice to have everyone home again.  They had tons of fun though swimming and boating the entire time.  My husband and I managed to watch the entire first season of American Horror Story while they were gone.  It is a very weird, dark, but strangely addictive show.  I'm sure that we will start watching the next season soon.

I don't know what my deal is this year but my reading sure is suffering.  I feel like I say this every post but I just haven't been reading (or blogging obviously) like I used to.  It doesn't stop me from going to the library and checking out huge stacks of books though.  LOL!  Some things never change on that front.  I decided though that I just need to get back into the habit of blogging and hopefully that will get my blogging mojo started up again.  I'm not sure if it will work but it is worth the shot!  I don't have much of a reading update but here is what I've recently been reading/finished:

 Dark Saturday by Nicci French - I loved this one!  Absolutely couldn't put this one down which is saying a lot as I just haven't been reading lately.  I found myself completely hooked by it all even though I started right in the middle of this series.  The best part about that is now I can go back and catch up with all of those other books.  I'm going to be writing up my thoughts on this one later today but expect lots of gushing to be involved.

I'm currently reading the following books:

The Lady Travelers Guide to Scoundrels & Other Gentlemen by Victoria Alexander - This is my current kindle read and it is okay so far.  I'm not hating it by any means but I'm just not sure it is what I'm in the mood for.  I'm supposed to have been reading it for a blog tour but I'm way late at this point.  I'm definitely going to work on getting some quality reading time in with it this week.

The Lost Ones by Sheena Kamal is my current print read that I just started earlier this morning.  I can already tell that I'm going to enjoy this one as I sat reading in bed for way longer than I intended.  It was exactly what I needed if I'm being honest and I'm looking forward to continuing on reading this afternoon. 

Other books that I need to share my thoughts on in the near future include:

Looks like my spotty blogging has helped to create a little backlog in the review department.  I'll slowly work on catching up and getting back into the blogging groove.  Now I'm off to work on my laundry piles and also get some quality reading time in.  I'll be by reading all of your blogs later this evening! 

Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. I bet your kiddos had a blast with their grandparents. I remember wonderful summers spent with my grandma. It always seems to take a bit to get back into blogging after a break but I'm sure you'll be back to it in no time. Enjoy your library books. Looks like you've got some good ones there!


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