
Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Sunday Post # 24 (Missing Blogger Edition)

"The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme"

Wow!  It has been awhile since my last post a little over a month ago.  And even before that last post my blogging has been sporadic at best.  What happened you may ask?  Summer happened to start.  I went from posting on a pretty regular basis to almost nothing at all.  With three kids all in sports, life just got hectic and blogging had to move down the list a bit.  Not that I haven't been reading blogs (I have) but I haven't been commenting like I usually do are any of that fun stuff.  Today though that is going to change.  We are actually home on this beautiful Sunday enjoying a relaxing weekend.  I'm ready to blog and chat with you all about books once again.  That isn't to say that life has slowed down as in fact it hasn't.  But I'm going to work a bit harder to try and fit blogging in on my down times.  That is the plan at least!

So what have I been up to lately?  The usual fun stuff like work (actually lots of work as we have been on mandatory overtime for months now).  The kids are back in school which means lots of homework help and everything that goes along with that.  My oldest is in eighth grade this year which makes me sad to think about.  Next year will be that first year in high school and I'm not sure I'm ready.  Ha!  He is also playing football which keeps us busy but is so much fun to watch.  My daughter is in third grade this year.  She has also started playing travel softball.  Coming from just playing little league to moving into a girl's traveling softball team has been an experience.  She is loving it so far though so all of the time commitment is completely worth it.  The youngest is in first grade which just seems too crazy.  He is the baby and I can't get over how fast he is growing.  He is playing his first year of flag football which is such fun to watch.  Quite a difference from watching serious football games to flag where half of the kids don't even know where the ball is.  But such a joy to watch as he just begins to learn this game that his brother already loves.  In between all of the practices and games I just try to fit everything else in.  It is crazy pants some nights and the rare night where we don't have anything going on is treasured.  It is worth it though just for my kids and my husband and I don't complain too much!  LOL!

I have been reading though if you can believe that.  I've taken to reading on my phone during practices, at nights right before bed if I haven't fallen asleep first, or wherever else I might fit it in.  My reading pace has gone down drastically but that is okay.  I'm just chugging along reading as much as I can when I can.  What have I finished lately??  I can't even remember the books that I last shared with you so I'm going to start fresh with the last two books I've finished.  They are:

The Kill Box by Nichole Christoff- I picked this one up after being approved for the 4th book in this series on NetGalley and realizing that I had never read this one which is book number three.  I've enjoyed each of the books in this series and I think that this was my favorite yet.  I'm going to try and write up a review for this one later today.

Beautiful Maids All in a Row by Jennifer Harlow- I've been in the mood for dark and thrilling reads thanks to Carl's RIP Challenge (which I haven't yet officially signed up for but of course I am participating in).  This was a perfect read for this challenge.  Dark, creepy - in the afterwords of this book the author says that this was her first book that she had ever written which is just now being published.  Say what??  This was so good and I am just hoping that she will write more books in this series.  I should try to write up my thoughts on this one today as well.

I'm now currently reading the following books:

I don't usually have three books on the go at once but I currently do.  Hold Tight by Harlan Coben is my print read.  Coben is one of those writers whose books I find myself unable to put down so I'm really looking forward to this one although I've just barely begun it.  The House at Seas End by Elly Griffiths is book three in one of my favorite mystery series.  This is my current kindle read and I'm already sucked into it.  Mystery fans really need to check this series out if they haven't had the chance yet.  Finally, on my phone I am currently reading Ammie, Come Home by Barbara Michaels.  Usually I read the same book on both my kindle and phone but for whatever reason I was having issues opening the Griffiths book on my phone.  I decided to download this book onto my phone instead as this was a book that I was reading (and enjoying) but then for whatever reason it got set aside and never finished.  It has been so long that I'm going to have to go back and start at the beginning but I'm looking forward to finally reading and finishing it.

Plans for today are just to enjoy this quiet Sunday.  I'm working on laundry and my house is relatively clean thanks to a marathon cleaning session yesterday.  I'm going to try and write up a review or two- maybe reply to some comments, and other fun stuff like that.  I'm going to watch a ridiculous amount of football and enjoy every minute of it.  I'm just going to enjoy being at home with the family.  I'm off to enjoy some yummy snacks but here is to getting back to blogging and talking books!!

Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!


  1. Oh my goodness--I'm pretty sure I read Ammie, Come Home as a Reader's Digest Condensed book back in the 1970s. My great-aunt was a subscriber to this service, which released a volume each month of 4-5 current best-sellers in condensed format. She'd pass years of them on to us, and I'd read them at the beach. I read all sorts of stuff that was originally written for adults--I'm not sure, but I suspect part of the "condensing" was bringing them all down to a PG type level. Anyways--thanks for the memory! I agree that kids' practices are a great place to get some reading in!

  2. It's so good to see a blog post from you. Life gets so busy and you've got your hands full with your kiddos and not to mention everything else. Loved reading about what you've been up to and here's to a great Fall and school year for your kids. I keep seeing a lot of Barbara Michaels books being mentioned for RIP and her books would be a great choice. I may have to pick up one too!

  3. Life gets crazy, doesn't it? Glad you're finding time to blog again. It can be hard. :) The Kill Box sounds interesting, and so does The House at Sea's End. Love that cover.

  4. Happy, Sunday, Sam! Thanks for your update post. You have been very busy, and I am impressed by how much you do, and that you can even manage some reading time.

    I would really like to read something by Harlan Coben--one of these days. Here's to a terrific week ahead!

  5. Oh it sounds like you've been really busy - but it's understandable that work, kids and their commitments take precedence over other stuff.

    I love the look of some of your books so it's been good you've been able to keep reading!

  6. Funny how life completely takes over for the best and you don't really notice how fast time goes by. Great to have back and always a great varied selection of books.

  7. You are amazing Sam! I don't think there's any way to know just how busy life with three kids is until you have them. My blogging has been suffering as well--though mostly in the form of reading other blogs--and I'm always trying to figure out how to fit in the time. And mine aren't doing all the activities yet! (though we did add gymnastics and dance twice a week).

    I can't believe your oldest is in 8th grade! And your youngest in first. Time goes TOO quickly.

    Enjoy the reading and quiet time. ;)

  8. You deserve a quiet Sunday. Many of them, actually. It was wonderful to read your newsy post, Sam. I am glad you are still finding time to read in between everything else. I really feel strained right now. I'm sure I'll adjust, but, we do have a lot going on. Part of me can't wait until soccer season is over. I hope you have a great week, Samantha!

  9. Glad to see you back around! I don't even have three kids and I always find the summer hectic. Hopefully things are going to calm down for you now that it is fall!


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