
Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Sunday Post #22 (A Reading Update)

"The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme"

I'm getting a bit of a later start this Sunday afternoon but that's okay.  I made breakfast for the family this morning and then decided to just work around the house a little bit.  Now I'm settled in with the computer and hoping to get some reviews written up for the upcoming weeks.  This past week went by pretty fast which was nice as I was in training all week for work.  I will be in training this week as well but then by next week everything should be back to normal.  Not much else new to report- homework is back with a vengeance so that is how I spend a good portion of my evenings.  I have been reading a lot though so I'm happy with that!

This past week was the Winter's Respite read-a-thon.  I managed to finish two books for it which made me very happy.  Really January is turning into a pretty solid reading month for me so far!  I've already finished seven books and I'm feeling pretty good about my reading quality wise as well.  I need to work on writing up reviews though so that I don't fall behind like I did last year.  What else?  I've been horrible on the working out front (which means I've basically done nothing) so I need to focus on that this week.  Oh yes, and I STILL haven't managed to stay off of NetGalley like I had planned.  Apparently I need to work on my self control a bit more. Ha ha!  But back to the books now.  Here are the books that I have finished since my last reading update.

Kill Without Mercy by Alexandra Ivy was a great beginning to this new romantic suspense series and I've already shared my thoughts on it here.  I am looking forward to reading more by this author!

In The Bleak Midwinter by Julia Spencer-Fleming starts the beginning of a new mystery series that I will definitely be continuing on with!  I enjoyed it all the more reading this one during the winter but it sure did make me wish we had more snow on the ground (yes, I'm one of those people).  I'm so glad that I listened to Kay when she said to read this one- and even better this was off of my own shelves!  Now I just need to get my hands on book two.

Cruel and Unusual by Patricia Cornwell was yet another great addition to this series.  I read this one in two days and basically did nothing else but read this book.  It was SO, SO good!  This book was also off of my own shelves and I pulled it off because it just wouldn't stop calling my name.  It was a great decision to follow this mood and the ride Cornwell took me on was completely worth it!

Enraptured by Candace Camp was such an enjoyable read!  I was worried about having a bookish hangover after finishing Cornwell's book so I switched genres completely.  It was the right choice and I found myself enchanted with this book.  I loved the characters and the romance so much- now I have to go back and read the first two books as this was the ending of a trilogy.  A new to me author that I cannot wait to read more of!

Wow!  I told you all that I was having a really great reading month of January and the above books really help to prove that.  I'm now currently working on my 5th #COYER book and reading the following:

I loved the first book in this series so I'm really excited about this book!  I'm only about 10% in so far but already I am hooked.  I'm hoping to spend a good portion of my evening reading this book while watching football. 

New Additions:

I told you I've been awful!  The Hunter and The Sweetest Chase are both for blog tours in February.  Both sound really great and I'm excited to read them soon.  Crime and Poetry is the beginning to a new cozy mystery series so I just could not resist requesting it.  It Takes One has an amazing cover!  So of course I requested this one as well!  Oh well, maybe I will be better this week and can manage to stay away from NetGalley.  I'm sure going to try anyways!

Plans for today are the usual: laundry, laundry, and more laundry.  It is a bit ridiculous on how much laundry one family of five can really have if I'm being honest.  I also would like to write up at least three posts and respond to some blog comments as I'm horrible at that lately.  I'll be by later this evening to visit blogs and catch up on blog reading.  I hope you all have are having a wonderful January!  Be safe if you live in the areas affected by all of these winter storms.

Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!!


  1. Great books!! I have read several Patricia Cornwell's novels but I know I didn't read that one on your list. I utterly failed at the readathon, glad you got what you wanted done! Good luck with all your laundry..LOL Have a great week!!

  2. I hope the training you are attending is intersting. They can either make the days seem longer or shorter, depending. I am behind by a couple of reviews that I still need to write. I likely will try to do that tommorrow. As you know, Kill Without Mercy is a book I am looking forward to reading. I love the cover of Crime and Poetry. And It Takes One has a great cover too--for different reasons. All your new books sound good, Samantha.

    I can only imagine how much laundry you have given how much my family of three has. It always seems to be a lot. I did most of ours Friday, but I should probably do more today. I hope you have a great week!

  3. We're currently a family of five and I feel your laundry pain. Though our older three are grown and out of the house so it used to be a laundry of eight. Nice improvement, right? You'd think. LOL I still have 5 reviews to write, but it's looking more and more like those will have to be done tomorrow.

    I hope you have a wonderful and stress-free week!

  4. So glad you enjoyed In The Bleak Midwinter! I loved that one and have read through #4, I think. Of course, she's up to #8 or 9 or something. Another series to catch up on, but what would life be if I didn't have a million mystery series going at once? Have a good week! Hope your training goes well. You know, I actually like doing laundry, but then, there are only 2 of us. LOL

  5. Hope you're having a great weekend! In The Bleak Midwinter looks like a perfect read for this time of year. Looks suspenseful, I'll have to check it out.

    Seven books for January is great. The month started off slow for me reading- wise but is picking up a bit. Hope you have a great week!

  6. Looks like you have been having a great reading month. I seem to have fallen a bit behind on my reading but definitely not on my requesting books from NetGalley. I don't think I have any control either! haha... Definitely like the cover for It Takes One. Interesting.

  7. So many great books! I have zero self-control on NetGalley and just as I think I'm doing okay they go an release a bunch of books I just can't resist. I love Julia Spencer-Fleming though I haven't read the last few and the Amanda Flower books looks good. Have a great week!

  8. I've got Crime & Poetry on my wish list. I can't resist the start of a new cozy series. Enjoy your new books!

  9. Never even heard of Candace Camp! Checking to see if my library has some of her books so I can give them a try -- I'm always in the market for a fun new historical romance author.

  10. You really have had a great month of reading so far. I like the cover of It Takes One also, I'm intrigued.

  11. You are getting off to a great reading start for 2016. I remember those laundry piles! It was a shock when all the kids moved out. When my youngest moved back home I was like, good now I can do full loads again! LOL Have a great week.

  12. I'm glad to hear you've a great reading month in January. I think I'm doing OK but would be better if I cut down on playing too much Candy Crush, lol.

    It Takes One has a lovely cover! And of course I'm intrigued by the story too!


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