
Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Sunday Post #10: (Spring Is Coming Edition)

"The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme"

Losing an hour of sleep is totally worth it if it means that spring is on the way!  According to our local weather forecasters there is a chance this week of the temps getting up into the 50's.  I cannot begin to tell you how excited that makes me.  I've been starting to plan out my garden in my head with all of the different vegetables that I want to plant.  It is going to be great!  This has been a long winter with very cold temperatures so I am more than ready for spring.  Plus, my kids need to be able to go outside and play.  The fresh air will do them good (along with allowing them to blow off some steam).  Now let's just hope the weather really cooperates!

I just realized that I haven't done a reading update in a few weeks but since I just shared my February reads yesterday I will stick to the books that I actually finished this week.  I've already managed to finish two books in the month of March so I'm off to a really great start!  Here are the books that I finished this week:

If You've Got It, Haunt It by Rose Pressey - This was a fun, easy read that I spent the majority of last weekend reading while at the waterpark.  It was cute and a definitely a good enough beginning to this series to make me want to read more!  Review to come soon.

This Is Not a Test by Courtney Summers - This was a dark and compelling read that I had a hard time setting down.  I've been meaning to read this one every since it first came out and I am glad that I finally did.  I didn't connect to it quite like I had hoped but it was still a very good read if you know what I mean.  Review also to come.

I am now currently in the midst of these two books:

Clean is my current print read and one that I just started late yesterday afternoon.  I am already hooked and plan on reading lots more of it today!  Dark Alchemy is my current kindle book and I am reading it for a book tour later this month.  This has been a really unique read so far and I am really liking it!  This means I have two really great books going at once which makes deciding which one to focus on difficult.  Hopefully I will finish them both up this week!

Incoming Additions:

Both of these are courtesy of NetGalley I believe.  I was really bad as I requested Vision in Silver without having read the other two books in this series which meant I grabbed Written in Red from the library this weekend.  I need to read them all, you know?  I just couldn't resist since so many of favorite bloggers love this series or are currently reading it (looking at you Wendy!).  I plan on starting Written in Red once I finish up my current reads.  Other than that I am very excited to read both of these books.

Plans for today include working on scheduling some blog posts, a ton of laundry (I'm completely behind thanks to last weekend), a workout, and of course some blog visiting.  All of this while patiently waiting for the newest episode of The Walking Dead that airs tonight.  Priorities!  I'm off to get this day started and a load of laundry in the washer.  Tell me what you are planning to read this week!

Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!


  1. It's laundry for us today, too. This is my least favorite day of the year--for some reason losing that hour makes SUCH a difference in the day...but I know that the extra hour of daylight in the evening and the future warmth will be worth it.

    Enjoy the reading! And The Walking Dead. I'm looking forward to the series ending so we can binge it all at once without waiting for episodes. ;)

  2. I was just talking to my dad about my garden and the plans I have, it's been two years since I have done it so I hope I can get it done this year if the weather warms up in time.
    I agree the kids need to go outside, they are just all over the place in the house and bored (with all the toys they have) it will be nice to let them blow off some steam and get moving again.

    Have a great week! Happy Reading!

  3. I agree, losing an hour is worth the warmer weather! Looking forward to This is Not A Test. Also, glad to see a new Joy Fielding book. Have a great week.

  4. I don't like losing the hour. Messes up my body clock, but the extra evening light is totally worth it in our part of the world. Means we can get out after supper and take a walk in the neighborhood or just putter around the yard. And our temps will be in the 70's this week - supposedly.

  5. I love Joy Fielding, and Someone Is Watching is headed my way, via Amazon Vine. Can't wait.

    And I hate to say that we've had 70s weather for a while. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  6. I loved This is Not a Test and still need to read Please Remain Calm. Hope you enjoy Written in Red!

  7. Oh! I love the cover for This is Not a Test. I have to check out your review for that one. I am currently waiting for The walking Dead as well. It is the only show i am sure to watch every week. Priorities, I totally understand.

  8. Garden stuff! I haven't started to think about mine because I'm kind of convinced it will never be warm again but I can't wait to get to planting. I'm looking forward to fresh tomatoes even more! I'm behind in laundry and everything else as well. I'm assuming there will be a day when everything is caught up and our TBRs are manageable piles. That'll happen right? I've got If You've Got It Haunt It but haven't read it yet. I'm really looking forward to getting to it. Have a great week!

  9. Oooh I am glad you liked This is Not a Test! I have it but haven't gotten around to it yet. And I am with you on the spring situation, I cannot handle winter anymore! I am so sick of being cooped up in the house with ice and zero degree temperatures! Hope you have a great week!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  10. Great list of books, Sam! I'm especially curious about that series by Anne Bishop after reading your and Wendy's mention. Must check them out! :)

  11. Spring was here this week-end, windows open and sunshine blazing :) I hope you'll be able to take care of your garden soon, it's so great to plant vegetables and flowers ! Enjoy your books, they look very good - I used to read a lot of Joy Fielding at a time. Have a great week !

  12. That episode of Walking Dead was intense...I love Carol, lol. I've been wanting to read Written in Red, I've seen so much buzz for that series but I've yet to find/buy a copy. I hope you enjoy your new reads!

  13. Sam, I hope your Sunday was wonderful. We took a family walk which was fun. You have many tempting titles here. I think you will enjoy your reading this week!

  14. Oh, God, nothing can make it up to me this year for losing an hour of sleep. I gave up coffee for Lent, so Springing Forward was even more brutal this year than usual. Coffee. I miss it.

  15. I'm surprised the time change hasn't affected us more than it has. I am glad spring is on the way, but it's supposed to be 90F this weekend. What's with that? That's too warm for this time of year. Of course, you might appreciate it given you've been frozen for so long. I can send some of it your way. ;-)

    I ended up reading Written in Red and Murder of Crows for the same reason. LOL I had requested and was approved for Vision in Silver. And what sucks? Now I have to wait an entire year probably for the next book in the series! Argh! Why do I do that to myself. Best read in order, definitely, so, if you can, I recommend you do that, Sam.

    My reading this month has been very slow going. I'm hoping once the last of my company leaves this next weekend I can get back into a decent reading routine.

    Have a great week, Samantha!


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