
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Kill Shot by Nichole Christoff (thoughts)

Summary from Goodreads:

"Jamie Sinclair’s father has never asked her for a favor in her life. The former two-star general turned senator is more in the habit of giving his only child orders. So when he requests Jamie’s expertise as a security specialist, she can’t refuse—even though it means slamming the brakes on her burgeoning relationship with military police officer Adam Barrett. Just like that, Jamie hops aboard a flight to London with a U.S. State Department courier carrying a diplomatic pouch in an iron grip.

Jamie doesn’t have to wait long to put her unique skills to good use. When she and the courier are jumped by goons outside the Heathrow terminal, Jamie fights them off—but the incident puts her on high alert. Someone’s willing to kill for the contents of the bag. Then a would-be assassin opens fire in crowded Covent Garden, and Jamie is stunned to spot a familiar face: Adam Barrett, who saves her life with a single shot and calmly slips away. Jamie’s head—and her heart—tell her that something is very wrong. But she’s come way too far to turn back now."

My Thoughts:

The Kill Shot was just as explosive and page turning as I had hoped that it would be.  (Page turning as in finger tapping since this was an e-read.  LOL!)  In all seriousness though, I had really high hopes for this book after enjoying the first book so much.  This follow-up was just as fast paced and intense as the first book and I found myself having a hard time putting it down.  What I love about this series is how this author includes details of military life within her books.  Added to that was the fact that for the majority of this book Jamie is abroad in Europe.  I absolutely loved all of the details that the author included to bring London to life.  As I've never been, it was those details that really pulled me into this book and allowed for me to immerse myself within it.  I could picture the different places that she was describing and it allowed for me to live a bit vicariously through Jamie and her adventures.  What fun!  This book was quite a ride and although I managed to figure out a few of the twists early on, for the most part I was kept in suspense which is just the way that I like it.  I am very eager to continue on with this series and see what kind of trouble Jamie finds herself in next!

My one and only complaint with this book is that I felt that Jamie missed a few important details that she shouldn't have.  As a security consultant, I felt like there were a few irregularities (trying not to share spoilers here) that really she shouldn't have missed when she is supposed to be so good at her job.  It didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book but I just felt that for her to be as good as she is portrayed to be....well, she should have caught on a bit faster to what was going on big picture wise.  This is just my opinion though and I do realize that the fact that she didn't led to a more thrilling experience for me as the reader.   So there is that.  Just worth mentioning as it might bother others more than it bothered me.

Overall this was a great reading experience for me, and one that I enjoyed from the first page to the last.  I love how the author is able to create such a sense of place in her books so that I feel like I am experience everything right along with Jamie.  I'm very eager to get my greedy hands on the third book as these books seem to be getting better and better.  What kind of craziness will Jamie find herself in next?  Who knows but I do know that I will be there to read about it!  Easily recommended but especially to other mystery lovers.  You don't have to read the first book before reading this one but I would recommend it just so that you get the full reading experience.  Plus, you will understand more why I am such a huge Adam Barrett fan!  

Bottom Line:  A nail bitingly good read!  I need more!

Disclosure:  I received a copy of this books thanks to the publisher and NetGalley as part of a TLC book tour.  Thoughts are my own!


  1. I think this one looks very good. Could almost see the action in my head. I went back and looked for the first book in the series and will put it on my wish list. Quite reasonable on Kindle ($2.99). Thanks for sharing this one!

  2. I have a copy of this on my Kindle and am eager to read it after reading your review, Samantha. I am glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Thanks for being a part of the tour!


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