
Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Sunday Salon (Reading Binge)

Good morning everyone!  I'm going to try and keep this a bit shorter than usual since we are planning on taking the kiddos sledding later today (and I have lots to get done before then).  LOL!  But this was a really good week for me reading wise.  I managed to finish three books which usually never happens unless I'm participating in a read-a-thon.  I'm starting to fall behind in reviews though, so hopefully later today I will find the time to get a few of them written.  I feel like all I talk about anymore is the weather as of late but the snow.  Ugh...the snow!  We got even more yesterday and are supposed to get another storm tomorrow.  I love snow usually but I am SO READY to see the grass again.  C'mon spring!  Let's get back to the books though.  Here is what I finished this past week:

The Walking Dead: Volume 1, Days Gone Bye by Robert Kirkman- This was a fun way to spend my Sunday while watching the marathon of The Walking Dead that was on AMC.  Yes, I am currently that addicted to the show.  Ugh!  I love it though and now look forward to Sunday evenings.  The comic was different than the show in many different ways which I really liked.  I've already put the second one on hold, and I am impatiently waiting for it to come in.  Review to come.

Midnight by Ellen Connor- I LOVED Nightfall (the first book in this trilogy) and really, really enjoyed this book as well!  These authors have a knack for creating these suspense filled, action packed books with just the right amount of romance.  I love it!  I'm looking forward to seeing how the trilogy ends, BUT I am sad that I won't have any more books after that to read. Review to come.

Her Ladyship's Curse by Lynn Viehl- I just finished this one last night and I adored it!  You guys should know by now that I'm a sucker for a good steampunk novel, and this one had everything I look for!  I flew through the pages of this one, and I cannot wait to crack the second book open.  So good!  I will be writing up my thoughts for review hopefully this week. 

I'm currently reading the following books:

Blood Harvest got the most votes in my library loot post so I decided to read it next.  I just barely cracked this one open before I went to bed last night.  Dirty Magic is my current read on my ipad....or it will be when I actually start reading it.  Fail!  I haven't touched an ebook in over two weeks.  I've been just too absorbed in other things (like The Walking Dead).  I will start this one for sure this week!  Because I am really looking forward to it!

Plans for today include sledding, a ton of laundry (it is kind of embarrassing), my workout, and The Walking Dead of course!  You may be sick of this show after hearing me talk about it so much :)  But Andrew Lincoln and Norman Reedus...sigh!  I've discovered that I'm a sucker for beards and shaggy hair (I'm shaking my head even as I write that).  Oh yeah, I need to try to fit in some review writing in there so that my blog isn't silent for the week.  And I would like to read.  Maybe for a little bit?  I'm off to start getting stuff done.

What are your plans for this Sunday?  Are you currently obsessed with any television shows like me?  Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!


  1. I almost feel weird that I don't currently have any shows to obsess over! I've thought about The Waking Dead but I'm afraid it'll be too much for me. We've also talked about Lost, 24, or Friday Night Lights. Right now we just watch the Olympics though.

    Enjoy the sledding today!! It's unbelievable the weather everyone has been having!!

  2. Have fun sledding! I've never done that and can imagine it's a blast :)
    Her Ladyship's Curse looks like a lot of fun. I've only read a couple of steampunk books but wouldn't mind checking out some more. Look forward to your review of this one!

  3. I hope you guys had fun sledding!

  4. Have fun sledding! The snow won't let up this winter!
    I have The Walking Dead: Volume 1, Days Gone Bye as well, I need to sit and read it. I'm obsessed with the show too, last nights episode was great. I'm happy the baby is OK!! I wondered where she was!
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  5. I hope you enjoyed your sledding! There certainly seems to be enough snow everywhere for that. It's the same here. We're supposed to get more snow today. I've had enough!

    You did really well with your reading. I've been hooked on audios lately. I'm hooked on The Walking Dead too. It keeps my heart pounding quite regularly every weekend. Lol.


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