
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Impatiently Waiting (2014 Releases that I NEED!)

There is nothing more exciting to me than looking forward to all of the upcoming book releases for the new year.  2014 is shaping up to be a spectacular year of books for me with many of my very favorite authors releasing new books!  I AM SO EXCITED!  (And very impatient.  But so excited!)  I can't even put into words how thrilled I am!   I have entirely too many books already that I want to read but that won't stop me from pining for all of these new releases.  And I am pining!  Let me share with you all just some of the books being published in 2014 that are MUST reads for me:

A Dark and Twisted Tide by Sharon Bolton - OMG! My most favoritest (this is a word) thriller author ever AND one of my favorite series has a new book coming out.  YAY!

Bitter Spirits by Jenn Bennett - I'm dying to read this one based on that cover alone.  Seriously!

The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon - I read and loved The One I Left Behind by her this year so I cannot wait to give this one a try.  I was lucky enough to get a review copy for my ipad so I will be reading this one very soon :)

Don't Talk To Strangers by Amanda Kyle Williams - The first book in this series made my top ten reads of 2012 and the second one (which I'm currently reading) has a very good chance of doing the same for 2013.  I love this series and this author's books so of course I can't wait for the 3rd one to release!

Dawn's Early Light by Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris - You guys!  This is one of my absolute, very favorite (I love like no other) steampunk series so can I just read this RIGHT NOW???  I feel like I have been waiting for this book for so long now that I'm about to burst!  I NEED IT!

Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells - A new series by one of my favorite authors?  Yes, please!  Another book that I have been wanting to read every since I first heard about it.  I just cannot wait!  And in fact I just got approved on NetGalley for this one so you know it will be my next read.  Woohoo!

The Vanishing by Wendy Webb - I read (and adored)  The Tale of Halcyon Crane this year so of course I am looking forward to reading this new release.  Plus it has that gothic, creepy feel to the cover so it makes me want to read it even more!

Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews - Let's ignore that I am nowhere close to being caught up with this series.  I WANT to be so therefore I'm adding this one.  And it has a gorgeous cover which helps!

Night Broken by Patricia Briggs - Will 2014 be the year that I catch up on some of my favorite urban fantasy series?  I sure hope so!  This is another series that I need to get to reading (I'm super behind) but how could I not want this newest book?  Another amazing cover!

Panic by Lauren Oliver - I have never read any of this author's books yet (although I plan to) but when I heard about this one it instantly went on my TBR list.  It just sounds so good and I want to read it badly!

Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire - Okay so I love, love, love this author's books under the name Mira Grant which means that this one automatically goes on my WANT list!  I will read basically anything that this author writes thanks to the Newsflesh trilogy.  Best zombie books ever!!!

Silver Mirrors by A.A. Aguirre - I loved the first book in this series Bronze Gods so this is yet another book that I will be impatiently waiting for.  And I love the cover!

I could keep going and going here!  Not listed (just because they don't have covers yet) are the new Sarah Waters book, The Paying Guests (eek!), Symbiont by Mira Grant (even though I still haven't read Parasite yet), and The Summer of Ghosts by P.D. Viner.  I'm going to stop now.  Seriously, because there is more and I think that I could just keep going.  2014 is hopefully going to be an amazing year in books and I could not be more excited!

What book or books are you looking forward to in 2014? 


  1. I am like you. I have books I am super excited about that I am not even ready to read yet... I will buy them anyway... I do hope to read Frost Burned this month so I am ready for Night Broken, though. :)

  2. I don't even know what's coming out this next year. I'm so in the dark. Just looking at the photos of the books you are waiting for has me excited for a few of those too. It's going to be a good reading year. :-) Hopefully.

  3. I'm so clueless about what is coming out next year! But I can't wait to see if some of my favorite authors will have new books. Here's to a great reading year ahead!

  4. I must go back and read your review of Amanda KW, sounds intriguing. This year hasn't been great, so I have no idea about 2014 reads, very sad indeed.


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