
Friday, September 27, 2013

Bookish Friday (Oh My!)

Remember when a couple of weeks ago I told you that I had basically shattered my book buying ban?  And it was true.  I completely managed to not only break it (using my birthday as an excuse) but went completely overboard on my bookish haul.  It was so much fun though that I can't really feel all that bad about it.  It was my birthday after all!  I'm apologizing in advance for the poor quality pictures but I was in a rush....and I never would have gotten this post finished otherwise!  I'm going to have to really be firm with myself in the upcoming months because no more books can fit on my shelves.  Seriously, it is a bit ridiculous but it is so easy to share with you guys since I'm sure you understand :)  First, let me share the books that I picked up at the used bookstore (and I still have $11.00 in credit so I did get rid of some books too in my defense):
So many good books here!  A few of these are going straight to my sister for her enjoyment but most of these are just waiting for me to read them (the Nora Robert's books).  I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't excited to read them all but I'm especially excited for Island of the Lost Girls AND Crooked House.  I can't wait to get started on all of these but first let me show you what I also found at my local thrift shop:

This was the best deal EVER!  I got all of these books for ridiculously cheap that I just couldn't resist!  I actually have read Dead Until Dark awhile back and wasn't blown away but for this price I figured I would try them again.  If I still don't like them I will pass them on to my sister or other friends.  Finally, let me show you the most recent review copies that are gracing my shelves.  I figured since I was sharing pictures of my latest bookish acquisitions then I should also share the review copies that I have received.  I've gathered these in the past couple of weeks (definitely not all at once but they are waiting patiently to be read):

Whew!  I'm tired just thinking about all of these books.  I'm also clapping my hands in glee with excitement :)  Netgalley and Edelweiss ban? Check! Library ban?  Check!  Used bookstore ban?  Check!  Now it is time to just read, relax, and enjoy!

Tell me...have you read ANY of these?  Which ones should I read first or would you recommend?


  1. Wow, you scored some great bookish deals. Congrats! I haven't kept up with the Sookie series, but I've read the first 10 or so and they are pretty fun reads.
    Not a Drop to Drink also looks intriguing.
    Happy fall reading :)

  2. Wow. Happy Birthday and happy reading! you did great. I read the first in the Charlaine Harris and I do want to go back and continue those.

  3. Happy b'day! So many books to keep you engaged in reading--enjoy!! :)

  4. Happy happy birthday! Buying a ton of things from the used bookstore seems like a very solid way of celebrating. I recommend the Elizabeth Peters books to start! They are so fun! They make me feel cheerful when I am otherwise depressed.

  5. Wowser! That is a lot of books. I've put myself on a ban as well and so far it's going well. Enjoy!

  6. Reading Date- I've only read the first book in the Sookie series and it was just okay for me. I'm hoping that I will enjoy it more after I go back and reread it...and then continue on with the series of course :)

    Naida- I never continued on with the Sookie series either but I don't have any excuses for that now. LOL! I couldn't resist when I saw this set just sitting there at my local thrift shop. I had to have them! Now just to find the actual time to read them!

    Suko- There are entirely TOO many books here but when has that ever stopped me??? LOLOLOL! I'm looking forward to reading all of them and in fact I've already finished Backlash so yay me :)

    Jenny- I read the first Elizabeth Peter's book awhile back and really enjoyed it but then never continued on with the series (I actually do this a lot and don't know why). I'm ready to go back to this series though so I'm rereading the first one and then I ALREADY have book two so there should be NO reason why I don't continue on. How's that for some logic??? :)

    Darlene- It is entirely TOO many books. I really, really need to follow by book ban but review copies mean that I'm not. I have no self control when it comes to books I tell you!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate each and every one of them :)