
Friday, March 1, 2013

Friday Fun (Read-alongs and Such)

This sounds like the perfect way to start off March!   I need an excuse to pull off some of those unread books from my shelves so I'm joining in on the fun.  Plus, I'm thinking that I should use this as an excuse for a month long read-a-thon!  I always read more when I participate in those AND it would make a nice dent in some of my piles.  I'm thinking that this would also be a way to catch up on a series or two.  It looks like library books are included which makes me very happy :)  

I'm also officially signing up for the Outlander read-along.  I've never read Outlander (I know) but I've heard some amazing things!  If all works out well (since I'm writing this on Sunday) I should have already picked up my copy from the library.  I'm ready to dive in especially since I told myself I would read some chunkier books in 2013 and that hasn't happened yet.  Plus, the #nakedjamie hashtag has me quite intrigued!

I'm hoping that both of these events will make March a GREAT month of reading for me!  It should make March a fun month of reading at least.  There is also a read-along of Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones being hosted at We Be Reading.  I recently bought a copy of this one for my reader so I would like to try and fit this book in as well!  Fun times :)

Tell me, are there any other read-alongs/read-a-thons that I NEED to join in on????


  1. Good luck with your challenges here. I should really make a dent in my TBR pile. I've been slowing getting rid of books but now my pile is on my reader. I should join in the Outlander challenge though. I have the books on audio and it would be great to finally get to them.

  2. Sam, I think you'll really enjoy Outlander. I did! After wanting to read it for ages, I finally "settled down" and read it. Anyway, enjoy your weekend. :)

  3. Happy March! Happy reading :) Enjoy Outlander, I bought that years ago and it's still collecting dust on Mt TBR :)

  4. One of my latest posts include all of the read-alongs and bookish events that I know of for March. I hope you get a lot accomplished this month.

  5. I think I'll play along, unofficially though. I'm reading TBR from my kindle/netgalley list! But then in April I have a bunch of goodies that I scheduled to arrive from the library!!!! I absolutely LOVED Outlander. I can't wait to hear your thoughts. This is one series that I will go out and it that much!!!! Have fun this month!

  6. Good luck!!! I am going to have a blast reading as much as I can!!

  7. Thanks for joining and good luck with your reading goals!


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