
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Audiobooks......and Me?

I should start this post off by telling you how much I hate cleaning.  Except I really don't hate it since I love the results but obviously find it no fun.  But that's a sidenote and not really the point of this story.  The point is that I've been ignoring all of you.  Yes, I admit it.  Whenever I go through my Google reader I see multiple posts in regards to audiobooks that other readers have listened to and enjoyed.  Or posts where they talk about how much they just enjoy audiobooks in general.  And I can't count the number of times that it has been suggested that I try an audiobook for myself.  That listening to books is fun.  I have ignored it all.  Because if I am anything, it is stubborn and often late to the game :) 

I've decided that's all going to change.  Scrubbing my kitchen today got me thinking....and thinking some more about how maybe I should just break down and give audiobooks a go.  My house could definitely use a little extra TLC and I might not dread cleaning so much if I had a way to occupy my mind.  So I'm going to take the plunge and try my 1st audiobook.  Because I'm an audiobook newbie, I've decided the best way to go about this is check an audiobook out from the library.  One, because I'm cheap.  And two, because I have no idea how this is all going to work out for me.  I might not like it...I'm sure there is a reason that I've been hesitating for so long.  Or not.  Then I started playing around with ideas on audiobooks that I might want to try.  I've decided that for me the best way to begin is with some rereads.  That way if I can't completely concentrate (hello my lovely children) it won't matter as much since I've already read the book.  Here are a few of the books that I'm considering trying:

 I've purposely kept this list short because I just don't know yet what to try.  That's where you all come in.  Audiobook suggestions, please????  What are some AMAZING books that I should try in audio format?  And do you have any tips for a newbie like me?  I'm hoping that it won't be that hard to put books on my MP3 player but if you have any tips for that share as well.  I'm all ears.....quite literally!

Let's all hope that my house becomes sparkling clean from all of this :)  Because a girl can dream, right?


  1. The first one I tried was an In Death book, and I loved it. The second one I didn't enjoy as much, I think because it wasn't as easy to follow since I didn't have a pattern in mind for what would happen (it was Gone Girl). I say start with something familiar for sure.

  2. Like you Sam, I hate cleaning, but I love the results. I've considered audio books too and I downloaded the Audible app on my iTouch. It lets you sample audio books, which I did, but I didn't really like it. I think the narrator has alot to do with it. Also, I feel like if I'm read to, I'll fall
    I think I'm going to give it a go eventually though. I'll let you know if I do. Happy listening/cleaning :)

  3. I'd recommend the Flavia de Luce series, which starts with The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I'm told it's won awards for audio presentation, or something. All I know is that I love the narrator, and I doubt I'd like the series as much if I'd read it on paper.

    Anything narrated by Jim Dale also tends to be good. He's done the Peter Pan series by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, The Boy with the Cuckoo Clock Heart (which is really sad), Around the World in 80 Days, and The Night Circus. And those are just the ones I've read.

    You may also look into audio performances by radio theatre productions. That's how I listened to Dandelion Wine, and it was delightful. My dad used to act in radio dramas in a local company, and the whole process has always fascinated me.

  4. That's a great idea--to listen while you clean! I have not "embraced" audiobooks yet, but I have one in my car (The Rescue, by Anita Shreve) that I keep meaning to start listening to; perhaps I should bring it in and break out the Windex!

  5. Listening to an audiobook while cleaning is awesome! Your idea of starting with a book you've already read is excellent as well. I love the "In Death" series on audio. I will listen to anything narrated by Phil Gigante, Katherine Kellgren, Davina Porter, Scott Brick, Dan Stevens and Simon Vance.

  6. I've really enjoyed some funny kids books recently - the Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan were pretty good (Katherine Kellgren is really an amazing narrator). Also, I loved Ring of Solomon by Jonathan Stroud (or his whole Bartimaeus Series, really). And for more Katherine Kellgren fun, try Bloody Jack series. They kept my mind off driving the commute, which is kind of a miracle :)

  7. I tried an audio book years ago. I have a 1 hour (each way) commute to work and thought it would be a great way to pass the time. Wrong. My mind strayed so easily that by the time I put the 4th CD in I realized I had no idea what had happened during the first three! But I like your idea of trying it with a book you've read - maybe I should give it a go that way.

  8. I made it my mission to try audio books last year and I've worked a few in, but it's definitely not my preferred reading method, that's for sure. I still find my mind wandering and I feel like I lose bits and pieces of the story because I'm listening and not reading. Auditory learning is not my strength--it never has been. My other issue is time. Finding time to listen to a book is difficult for me.

    I wish you luck and hope you find one you've liked. Even with my "issues", I have enjoyed my audiobook experiences so far--mostly--and definitely think it is worth giving it a try.

  9. I listen a lot of audio books, but I have strange tastes. :)

    Narrators can make or break a book for me so it's a great idea to get audio books from the library. For me, the books that work best as audio are books with just one point-of-view character. I can tolerate up to three but more than that and it's easy to get confused about whose POV I'm experiencing.

    I'd recommend any Neil Gaiman book narrated by Gaiman himself. I also really enjoy the Amelia Peabody historical mysteries narrated by Barbara Rosenblatt. They're written by Elizabeth Peters and the first one is Crocodile on the Sandbank. Another series that works really well on audio for me are the Phryne Fisher mysteries narrated by Stephanie Daniel. Written by Kerry Greenwood.

  10. Yay!!!!! :) Ok, for starters--audiobook listening is different from reading and don't be discouraged if you find it difficult. I still have troubles and find myself listening to the same passages over and over (though easy to zone out during rush hour traffic). But once you can get past that, audio is so wonderful and if I don't need my ears for the babe I do listen while cleaning house. Makes it much more tolerable!

    My advice is to start with something that you're familiar with. Series is a great choice. I've heard great things about Harry Potter's narrator (Jim Dale) but haven't listened to them yet.

    Maybe even start with something that you've read before!

    I have great luck with non-fiction books and even tend to listen to things that I wouldn't normally read in print. Bossypants by Tina Fey is a fantastic audiobook. Ready Player One is science-fiction and not something I'd normally read but the audio is fantastic and fun. Before I Go To Sleep by Watson (right?) is a great one. Can't remember if you've read that one yet or not.

    And yes, library is a great resource. Audiobooks are expensive! I now have an account with Audible (around $15 a month for one audiobook), but otherwise it's all library. Just too expensive to buy. :0

    Enjoy!!! Can't wait to hear how things pan out.

  11. Lisa- I started with Naked In Death. It's good and an easy listen other than I'm not sure that I care for the narrator all that much. She isn't how I imagine Eve in my head which is part of the problem :)

    Naida- I'm trying my first one now. I mainly use it when I'm doing laundry or spending the day cleaning. It's a nice way to reread but I'm not quite hooked yet.

    Alice- I'm writing down all of your suggestions because I could definitely use a better narrator for my next choice! Thanks!

    Suko- I considered trying to listen in my car as well but most of the time my kids are with me and that is something that I'm not sure they would enjoy. Unless maybe I tried Harry Potter next :)

    Nise- I'm going to have to make a list or narrators to try. I'm starting to understand how important they really are when you are listening. LOL!

    Melissa- Thanks for the suggestions! I'm adding them all to my list as I need all of the help I can get. And maybe if I tried some kid reads I could listen with my kids as well. So thanks!

    Tara- I find that I'm having to learn to pay attention. Laundry is a mindless chore for me which is why I find it easy to listen. I tried to listen while I was running and after I finished I realized I had no clue what had happened. LOL!

    Wendy- I don't think that I'll ever be primarily an audiobook reader that is for sure. I'm also struggling with paying attention but I figured since this is my 1st try, it will get better as I go. What books have you listened to so far?

    Mervih- Thanks for all those suggestions! I'm adding them to my list as well :) I really enjoyed Crocodile on the Sandbank when I read it so maybe I should grab the 2nd book in audio. I love a good mystery so I definitely would be interested in trying some on audio.

    Trish- I'm definitely going to be using the library for awhile until I really get used to audiobooks. I'm adding all of your suggestions to my list because I can never have too many to choose from :P And I love the idea of trying nonfiction in audio..I may have to try that next!


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