
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Library Loot - Awards Edition

Library Loot is hosted by Marg and Clare and asks us to share the latest books that we've found at the library.

I was super excited to see that the nominees for the Edgar Awards were announced the other day. The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson made the young adult list which was one of my top ten reads last year. I decided that I wanted to try and read some of the nominees for this award. Which got me on an award search kick and the rest was history. I put a TON of books on hold at the library and am impatiently waiting for them all to come in. It's a mix of this years Edgar nominees, Orange Prize long/short lists from past years, and the Nebula award. Plus, I just read that the Printz award nominees will be announced this week so I'll probably be adding a few more holds :) Self control....I have none. Especially since I've been adding books for challenges as well. Anyways, here is what I've picked up from the library so far:

The best part about all of these books (besides the lovely covers) is that they have me so excited to read them. I love looking forward to reading so many great books! And these lists are giving me lots of good reading material to look forward to :) Do you like to follow award lists??? I must admit that I'm kind of hooked....


  1. Nice loot :) Reminds me that I should visit the library

  2. I enjoyed The Passage. Hope you do too. Enjoy!

  3. Oh yay!! Great looking books and I love your new obsession with the award titles..I'm sure I will be adding some to my reading this year!

  4. Be sure that if you start Blackout, you have access to All Clear shortly after. They are really just one long story and you'll want to keep going for sure! I just read them back to back and loved them. :)

  5. [ihaven'theardofanyofthese-eeep]

    I've been hearing A LOT about Cronin lately. Oh wait--I have heard of the Passage, just didn't recognize the cover.

    Almost picked up The Name of the Star the other day at Sams (love combining food and book budgets) but resisted the temptation...

  6. I don't follow any of the award lists at all because often I find that they aren't books I'd read. I do want to fit The Passage in though. There have been mixed reviews on it but I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy your loot!

  7. I need to go to the library soon. Great loot!
    I do follow award lists from time to time. I think I should more often, they do mention some fab books.

  8. Blodeuedd- I am a library addict!!! I go at least one a week and I love to put books on hold that I want to read :)

    Linda- I'm looking forward to reading it as a lot of bloggers have really enjoyed it.

    Staci- The award lists are great ways to find new books that I hadn't heard of. I'm going to try and read as many of them as I can!

    Kristen M.- Good to know. I was wondering why they both won the Nebula award together...that makes much more sense!

    Trish- Oooh! Books and food...nice :)

    Darlene- I've read a lot of good reviews for The Passage so I'm looking forward to reading it. I don't follow all of the award lists but some I do.

    Naida- That was how I felt after I saw the Edgar nominees...and then I couldn't help but put holds on at the library. I really have no self control :)


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