
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Library Loot- RIP Challenge Edition

Library Loot is hosted by Claire and Marg and asks us to share what we've recently picked up from the library.

I've been in the mood for creepy and dark, thrillers, and horror for months now. As soon as Carl posted about his challenge I went to my library website and started requesting books to fit with this challenge. This is my favorite challenge of the year and you can see why :) Look at all of those books! I'm super excited to read them all so let's share what I picked up recently. (And for the full extent of my library craziness check out my Library Thing widget in my sidebar)

Every single one of these is a perfect fit for the challenge. Now the question is how many of these can I read before RIP VI finishes up?? I haven't had a chance to check out the review blog yet and see what everyone else has been reading but you know I will. And more books will be added to my wishlist/holds list :) Books are addicting and this is my favorite time of the year!

Happy spooky reading!


  1. These all look good to me too! What is it with the weather/seasons changing that m
    ake us want to read creepy stuff in the fall?

  2. Cool idea to do a R.I.P. library loot. These all look good. I have my eye on Those Across the River.
    So far I've been mainly reading short stories for the challenge, but I hope to jump into a scary book soon.

  3. Wow! You are all set for some terrifying, creepy, scary-airy reading! Enjoy!!

  4. I am loving the RIP challenge! I read two books for it but then other reading obligations made me abandon the rest of my stack until later in the month. I can't wait to see what you think of your library books, especially the Sophie Hannah one, which I want to read!

  5. I love these covers! I've wanted to read Bad Girls Don't Die for ages. I hope you get a chance to read that one. Hard to believe it's already fall, it seems summer just started.


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