
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

RIP VI Challenge

It's baaaaack!!!! Silly me for forgetting that Carl's RIP Challenge was going to be starting soon. I know I promised you back to back reviews until I catch up (or the possibility of a blogging break) but this is something entirely different. This is exciting! I saw the first post this morning and was practically bouncing up and down before I had even finished my coffee. I LOVE this time of year and what it brings. Cooler days and nights, the leaves changing, and best of all... creepy reads! I would swear to you that I've been in the mood for these types of books for months and have been drawn to thrillers, mysteries, the gothic, and horror. I've got tons of books already checked out from the library that will fit in with this challenge and even more on hold.

I've decided to jump in with both feet and participate in Peril the First which requires the participant to read four books. This I can most definitely do. I'm also looking forward to participating in two of the three group reads that Carl will be hosting for this challenge. Storm Front by Jim Butcher will be a reread for me but it is one that I've been considering rereading for some time now. I'm a huge fan of this series even though I've only read the first 3 or 4 books. I will also be participating in the readalong for The Lantern by Deborah Lawrenson. I've got this one on my shelves already and can't wait to read it! I've got tons upon tons of books that I want to read for this challenge but here are just a few of the possibilities that I'm considering:

And this is just the beginning. I have so many more possibilities that it kinda makes me giddy just thinking about it. Plus, as I go around and see what everyone else is TBR pile is going to grow by bounds! Yippee and hooray for fall!

(And now back to your regularly scheduled plan of catching up on book reviews...I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. Maybe...)


  1. All those book pictures look so lovely. I'm so glad you were reminded of the challenge starting and that you are joining in. Hope you have fun with whatever you choose to read.

  2. ohhh the dark dividing looks good from the cover! Can't wait to here your review on that one!

  3. Cryer's Cross is a lot of fun, and you're the second person I've seen with The Seance on the list. I'm really going to have to look that book up!

  4. A lot of the books on your list are new to me and the covers have grabbed my attention, so I will have to look them up. Thanks for the new reading material!

  5. The Forest of Hands and Teeth was really good. Enjoy your selections!

  6. I am so amazed at all the diffrent titles that people come up with for this challenge. I to when I say Carl's post squeeled and jumped up and down. If you would like my list is up too.

  7. I too get excited when I see RIP pop up on Carl's blog! It's probably my favorite challenge of the year! Happy reading!

  8. Happy reading! I love this challenge too as the fall weather gets me in the mood for spooky reads.

  9. Not sure how I can resist this one--would really like to read The Stand but it's about a million pages long. ;)

    The cover of A Dark Dividing looks especially creepy!!

  10. Carl- I'm just so glad that you are hosting the challenge once again. It is one of my favorites!

    DesLily- Isn't that cover creepy?? I really want to read it just based on the cover alone :)

    Amanda- I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed Cryer's Cross. It is one that I've wanted to read since it came out.

    ReviewsbyLola- One of my favorite things about this challenge is finding new books to read using other people's lists so your welcome :)

    Kailana- I have The Forest of Hands and Teeth checked out from the library and can't wait to read it!

    Brooke- I'm definitely going to have to check your list out :)

    Nulaanne- I just loved this challenge and creepy reading fits my mood so perfectly right now.

    Stephanie- It is most definitely my favorite challenge of the year and one that I cannot resist.

    Naida- Fall is my favorite time of the year!

    Trish- The Stand is one that I've wanted to read for years as well but the size alone is intimidating. Someday I will read it though...

  11. Great choices indeed, lovely selection.

  12. I love this time of year, too... and this challenge sounds like a great way to get into the spooky Halloween spirit!

    You've pulled up a great selection of books to read, too. Can't wait to read your thoughts on these... I may have to add some of them to my read list!

    Good luck!


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