
Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Sunday Salon - April in Review

Good morning Saloners! And a Happy Mother's Day to all of those mothers out there as well. I've been spending a lazy morning drinking coffee while the kiddos play on the floor in the living room. I love waking up this way! But somehow it has come to my attention that today is already May 8th. How has that happened??? I find myself behind in sharing my April reads and I'm behind in reviews as well. Go figure :)

I still need to share my thoughts on both of these reads which hopefully I will find time to do this week. I loved both of them for very different reasons and am excited to read more by these authors. I'm currently in the midst of The White Devil by Justin Evans. It has a very weird and creepy atmosphere to it, and I find myself constantly wondering what will happen next. I'm hoping to finish it up sometime early this week. I'm also still working on Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein. I'm a slower reader when it comes to nonfiction but I'm still plugging away at this book. I need to get going though as I believe it is due at the library very soon and I'm not even half way through. And then there are all of the books that I want to read next....don't even get me started on those. Did you see my latest library loot?? I'm finding it kind of overwhelming right now :) But on to the books I finished in April. I read the following:

  1. Surrender The Dark by L.A. Banks
  2. Affinity by Sarah Waters
  3. Agatha Raisin and the Potted Gardener by M.C. Beaton
  4. Wither by Lauren DeStefano
  5. Demon's Are a Girl's Best Friend by Linda Wisdom
  6. Hush by Cherry Adair
April was a much better reading month for me compared to March although I still didn't get everything accomplished that I wanted to. Maybe this month but I like to try and keep it low key around here so who knows?? I do know that there are a TON of books that I want to read RIGHT NOW! Seriously, how to find the time to read them all? Anyways, I thought I would leave you this lovely morning with my latest attempt to get all three kiddos in the same picture, looking at the camera at the same time :) And for the record it hasn't been going very well. LOL!

This was at an indoor waterpark and boy did we have fun! Have a great Sunday and Mother's Day everyone!


  1. Your kids are absolutely adorable. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

    I am going to Florida next week and one of the books I am taking is Affinity. I love Waters but The Little Stranger did disappoint me, so hopefully I won't have the same response to Affinity.

  2. Reviewsbylola- This is the only book by Waters that I have read so I really have nothing to compare it to. I enjoyed it though and am looking forward to reading more by this author. Hope you have a wonderful vacation!

  3. Darling photo of your kids! Happy Mother's Day, Sam! I think you had a great reading month.

  4. I love that photo..inside water park sounds like fun to me. It was actually warm today and the sun showed up!! Your April turned out pretty darn good if you ask me!!

  5. Hi Samantha! I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day... but seriously, how could you not with those adorable children!? ;)

    I had a good reading month in April, too, but I think it's downhill in productivity from here now that spring is finally here. The pull to do outdoorsy things is just too strong and reading takes a back seat. We'll see...

  6. awww...the kids are too cute!!

    May is here, before we know it summer will soon arrive. Time flies. I'm always behind on You had a nice reading month.

  7. Indoor watermarks = happy and tired kids. What's not to love!!???

    And I so want to read Affinity!!

    And don't feel bad about being behind on reviews. That is the story of my life.

  8. Suko- Thanks so much!

    Staci- The indoor waterpark was wonderful and a perfect getaway from the kids. Although I almost felt like I needed a vacation from our vacation. LOL!

    Christine- My reading will be slowing down as well. I just can't not be outside with the kids when the weather is so beautiful. Plus, the oldest has baseball which means lots of practices and games. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day as well!

    Naida- I've been doing pretty good this year on staying on top of my reviews but lately..not so much :)

    Jenners- I hope you get the chance to read Affinity at some point soon. My youngest was falling asleep even in the midst of all of the chaos of the waterpark just because we had worn him out so much.

  9. I think you know Lisa of Books.Lists.Life, right? She told me once that she finds time to read by sneaking into the bathroom with her book. ;) I'm learning in my first few weeks of motherhood that if I want to do something it means giving up 10 other things--these days that's reading.

    Happy very belated mother's day to you--how is it almost JUNE?? Your kiddos are beautiful Sam.

  10. Trish- I find time to read while watching the kiddos play in the is the little things, isn't it? I'm sure motherhood has been a huge adjustment but there will come a time when you don't even remember what it was like without her :)


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