
Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Sunday Salon - What to Read Next??

Good morning Saloners! It is a lazy, rainy Sunday morning and we are all laying around with an episode of Scooby Doo playing in the background. I love that my kids love Scooby Doo :) It is one of those cartoons that I actually enjoy watching with them.

These past two weeks have been really solid weeks of reading for me as I've been able to finish three books. First I finished Merely Magic by Patricia Rice but don't expect to see a review until the first week in March when the book comes out. It has been a long time since I read a romance so it made for a nice change of pace in my reading although it was just an okay read. I then finished Rogue Oracle by Alayna Williams for a blog tour on February 24th. I really liked this one and can't wait to go back and read the first book in this series. Finally, last night (and all day yesterday off and on) I flew through B is for Burglar by Sue Grafton. How I am loving this series!!! I just did not want to put this book down and was able to read it in two days.

But now the problem remains....what to read next? I have plenty of fact too many choices is more likely than not enough. I'm leaning towards one of these three though.

These all look and sound so good!!! And the covers...I'm having a hard time deciding which of these lovely books I should pick up next. Have you read any of these?? Suggestions for which one I should pick?? For now because it is such a gloomy day, I think I will continue reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I hope all of you have a wonderful week! And I'll be by to visit blogs later tonight :)


  1. hm... Ship Breaker does look good and I have seen positive reviews. I haven't seen much about the other two so can't really comment.

    Scooby Doo is a very cute cartoon. Cartoons have moved away from the really good classic ones nowadays and I just get bored when I am forced to watch them. I would rather watch reruns than the ones being released for this generation.

    Congrats on solid reading! I have often wonder if the Sue Grafton series would be for me. Maybe I should read the first book at some point and see. Not that I really NEED to start another series...

  2. I know nothing about two of those three books, so I would generally be inclined to vote for the one I've heard of, Ship Breaker. But in fact, the cover and title of The Floating Islands are too enticing to pass up. So I vote for The Floating Islands!

  3. Your Sunday sounds lovely, Samantha! Looks like the rain here has stopped for the time being. It sounds like you've been reading some great books lately. I love Grafton's series. It's on my husband and I both enjoy--although I think I'm a couple of books behind him at this point.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Kailana- Scooby Doo was one of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid so I love that my children enjoy it as well. And I really am liking the Sue Grafton series so I hope you do give it a try at some point.

    Jenny- I picked The Floating Islands too! I just love that cover and couldn't resist. Plus, I know absolutely nothing about it which makes it that much more intriguing.

    Literary Feline- It has been a nice day although my youngest was sick for part of it. But I love a rainy day which makes me want to read even more :)

  5. It sounds like you've got some good reading done.
    I havent read any of those but thye all look good. I'd pick Floating Islands.
    I hope you enjoyed Scooby

  6. I haven't read any of those books, but just going by the covers I would say go with The Floating Islands. Either way, I hope you enjoy them! :)

  7. I'm so glad that you enjoyed ROGUE ORACLE!

    And three cheers for Scooby Doo and the rest of the Scooby gang. I once saw a van driving down the street that was painted *exactly* like the Mystery Machine! I would love to do that for the grins, if I had any artistic talent whatsoever. Oh, yeah - and a van. ;-)

  8. They all look good!! I would have to put them in and let the machine pick!! LOL!

  9. I love Scooby Doo! Ship Breaker is on my TBR shelf but I've read Tomorrow, When the War Began. I actually plan on re-reading it soon so I can review it and refresh myself on it since their was a film adaptation made for it last year.

  10. I've read the entire Tomorrow series by Marsden and they are awesome. I think Ship Breaker might be on my wish list.

  11. Naida- I really did enjoy Scooby Doo! I guess I'm just a kid at heart :)

    Nikki Ann- I'm leaning towards The Floating Islands as well. And I'm going to read it soon...well, as soon as I can put Wuthering Heights down. I'm hooked right now!

    Alayna Williams- Thank you for stopping by my blog. We used to have a Mystery Machine van that drove around town but I haven't seen it in a long while!

    Staci- LOL! You guys are my random machine :)

    Ladytink- If I remember correctly, you are the reason I picked up Tomorrow When The War Began. I believe you recommended it to me at some point. It sounds really good.

    Bookfool- I added Ship Breaker to my wishlist after seeing that it won the Printz. I'm looking forward to reading all three of these which is why it is so hard to choose!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate each and every one of them :)