
Monday, November 2, 2009

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry

"Each Reader must choose a piece of lace. It is hers for life. It might be a pattern handed down through generations or a piece cosen by the reader for its beauty or familiarity. Many Readers prefer the handmade laces, particularly the laces of old Ispwich or the new circular pieces made by the women of Yellow Dog Island. - The Lace Reader's Guide" p. 6 of The Lace Reader

I'm not even sure where to begin with this review other than to say that I found this book to be an amazing read. The Lace Reader begins with the reader meeting Towner, the main character, who admits freely that she lies and that her name is really Sophya. Towner is going back to her hometown as her Great Aunt Eva is missing. While there she will be forced to confront her demons from the past and work through the issues that are still haunting her today. The women in Towner's family are all lace readers and can read the future in the lace. But something has caused Towner to vow never to read lace again...

Oh my I enjoyed this book! From the very beginning, I was swept up in the story that the author had written and the atmosphere that she had created. I didn't quite know what to make of Towner, I mean she admits right from the beginning that she is crazy and that she lies. So I wasn't sure at any point in the book if she was telling the truth which made for an interesting read. I ended up just letting the author take me for a ride and what a ride it was! The story was told from different viewpoints at time but it didn't detract from the story whatsoever. In fact, it made me feel even closer to the main characters. I ended up caring about Towner even though I couldn't entirely trust the story that she was telling me. And the ending of this book...blew me away. Seriously, I might have seen pieces of it coming but really in the end when I closed the book I was stunned. I think that this would be a great book to read with a book group and have a discussion over. I myself would love to hear what other readers thought of the ending of this book.

All in all, I found this to be an amazing read and will probably go on to my top reads of 2009. I'm pretty sure I've gushed enough over this go pick it up and give it a try. I doubt that you'll be disappointed. Highly recommended.

P.S.- This is me meeting my November goal of reviewing books directly after I read them. I can't possibly get more behind on reviews if I do this and I'll try and catch up on a few reviews that I am behind on at some point in this month as well.


  1. After reading your wonderful review, I'll be adding The Lace Reader to my TBR list. :)

  2. Excellent review and now I'm really excited knowing that this book is in my stack of books waiting for me to read!!

  3. oooh, an unreliable narrator--how fun!! :) i would love to read this book and may have some time during the thanksgiving holiday! i'm off to put it on my library wish list! thanks for the review.

  4. "Oh my I enjoyed this book!" and "All in all, I found this to be an amazing read and will probably go on to my top reads of 2009." WOW!!! Now, I'm really glad that I have this on my iPod! :) I'm in need of a super, duper good book. I haven't added to my Best Reads list in over a month!

  5. I love this review! Your delight in this book is infectious. :-) I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

  6. I'm glad that you enjoyed this book as much as I did!!

  7. Suko- I definitely will want to hear your thoughts on it when you finish!

    Diane- I'm gonna have to go check your review out...I love reading other people's thoughts on books I have read.

    Staci- I hope that you enjoy this one as much as I did.

    Nat- I checked it out from the library too and am so glad that I did. Hope you enjoy it as well!

    Thoughts of Joy- I really, really hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And I hope you find that amazing read that you are looking for :)

    Stephanie- You should definitely keep an eye out for it or just check it out at the library!

    Teddy Rose- I'm off to check out your review..glad to hear that you liked it!

  8. I tried reading this one a couple of times and didn't have any luck, but your review makes me want one more go at it!

  9. I just got a copy of this. My goal is to read it by the end of the year, we'll see how that goes!

  10. I've been wanting to read this one and am glad you enjoyed it, Sam. It sounds like such an interesting story and I love the idea of an unreliable narrator. Thank you for your great review.

  11. I really should read this book--great review! I always try to review books right after I finish them too. I was a little behind after the read-a-thon but now I am two books away from being caught up!

  12. I just picked up a copy of The Lace Reader without knowing anything about it. Reading your review, I'm really glad that this is now in my TBR pile!

  13. I just won a copy of this book from Trish (an autographed copy!) I can't wait to read it now!

  14. Andi- What didn't work for you?? Just curiousity on my part..and hopefully if you do go back to it you end up liking it more.

    Lisa- Hope you like it as well as I did!

    Naida- It was :)

    Literary Feline- I bet that you would enjoy this one Wendy. You'll have to let me know if you end up reading it.

    Lola- I am BAD about reviewing books much later after I've read them. It makes it difficult to write the review sometimes.

    Lawral- Hope you enjoy it!!

    Stephanie- Hope you enjoy it as well and congrats on winning it :)

  15. Samantha, I don't remember what didn't work for me exactly because it's been a while. As I recall it was just hard for me to sink into the story. Not sure if it was timing or what.

  16. Hi Sam!
    I've been curious about this book after seeing a lot of readers online speak so highly of it. I'm definitely intrigued now and have added it to my library loot list.

  17. Andi- I can see did take me a little bit but before I knew it I was wrapped up in the story.

    Christine- I hope that you come back and share your thoughts on this one when you read it. And hopefully you enjoy it :)

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