
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kissing Sin by Keri Arthur

Give a brief summary of the book:

Kissing Sin finds Riley lying naked in an alley, unable to remember how she got there or the previous days that have obviously passed by. She figures out all too soon that she needs to escape, and escape fast, as someone is after her and won't be happy that she is free. Once again, Riley is up against an unknown force that is trying to create the perfect breed of species and they want her as one of their test subjects.


I liked everything about this novel and this series so far. This was a fast-paced novel that I couldn't put down as I was constantly trying to figure out what was going to happen next. And who was behind everything that is going on...I flew through this book. Riley is a great main character. She is strong and sure of herself and doesn't make apologies for the way she is. As the reader, I can't help but like her. Especially as we see her struggle with the possibilites of becoming a guardian and the killing of others that will be involved. I also like the mix that makes her both werewolf and vampire. Keri Arthur made it even more interesting in this book as she gives Riley new talents that she is just beginning to discover. Definitely a series that I will continue following!


Hmm...I can't say that I have any real dislikes. I will say that I have a hard time relating to Riley when it comes to having multiple sexual partners all of the time. Which is going to sound odd unless you've read this series. Suffice it to say that it is an integral part of being a werewolf and while I understand that...well, I just have times where it is a bit too much. But it doesn't make me like the story any less if that makes any sense. Probably not :)

Additional Thoughts?

I'm finding after reading this 2nd book that I really, really like this series and am eager to pick the 3rd book up. I'm curious as to where the author will take the next book and am also curious as to how Riley will grow. I'd recommend this series (start out with the 1st one though) to paranormal romance lovers and those who enjoy urban fantasy. But be prepared to not want to set this book down once you start it!
*Reading Order*
2. Kissing Sin
LoL! Sorry but I'm going to stop there. And that is 3 for 3 for me in November so far...I am on a roll. Now if I could get some other back reviews posted...another day. Be on the lookout for a new library loot post soon. I have a BUNCH of books that I'm so excited to share about but I'm waiting until the last 2 requests come in from the library.


  1. You are on a roll! Glad you enjoyed this book. :)

  2. Sounds like a really cool series. I've never heard of this one but I do know someone who would probably really enjoy them!! Great review Sam!

  3. I don't read that many female werewolf stories. Actually I believe Kelley Armstrong was the first one I read that I really, really liked the werewolf aspect of it. This sounds like a neat series though the multiple partners thing does remind me of Laurell K. Hamilton.

  4. Hi Sam,
    I've read the first three books in this series a few years ago and actually have at least two more on my shelf that I haven't read. I've seen quite a few very good reviews on the latest release... I think it's book 8... which is very promising that readers are still loving the series so far along. I think I'm going to dig up book 4 soon and get back on board. Thanks for refreshing my memory with this one!

  5. Thanks Suko!

    Stephanie- This IS a fun book! And a good read too!

    Staci- I'm not very far into this series yet but I do enjoy it so far.

    Ladytink- I bet you would like this series! I haven't gotten that far yet in the Anita Blake series but there may be similarities in that aspect...I'm just not the person to ask :)

    Christine- I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the first 3 books. I will definitely be picking up the next book sooner rather than later.


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