
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blogging Break

Hey guys, I probably won't be around for the remainder of this week and the beginning of next week. My internet is down and the soonest that they can fix it is next Monday. We'll see if I am back up again by then or not. I'm at the library this morning but unfortunately don't have a lot of time. I will try to stop by and visit everyone's blogs once everything is fixed but for now I am just going to relax and read. I finished Uglies last night by Scott Westerfeld and ended up really liking it. I picked up An Offer You Can't Refuse by Jill Mansell and am absolutely loving it! I'll try to get a review of that one posted this week since it is a review book. With Easter this weekend and family coming in town who knows though :) Just wanted to pop in and say hi!


  1. Isn't it a pain when the internet is down. Oh well, take this time to catch up on lots of books and then you can tell us all about them :)

  2. I hope it gets fixed soon! Meanwhile, enjoy your break :)

  3. Ugggh, I hope you get it fixed soon Sam. Have a good break though-those are always nice. Hope the job is going well. Have a good Easter if you're not back before then.

  4. Have a great break, a happy Easter, and enjoy your reading. I hope your Internet gets back up soon--what a mess!

  5. A weekend without an internet connection sounds absolutely dire. Hope all is well, and looking forward to hear what you think of both of those books!

  6. Uglies is a good book. Enjoy your time off!

  7. We'll miss you while you're gone but have fun reading and hopefully your internet will be restored before next week!!

  8. I hope you get everything up and running again soon, Sam! We'll be here when you get back.

  9. hi sam, hope your internet gets fixed soon.
    Happy Easter :O)


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