
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Written In Blood by Sheila Lowe

Claudia is a forensic handwriting specialist who is back comparing handwriting in this 2nd book of the series. I was sent this book for review so I hadn't previously read the 1st book and I'm happy to say it didn't matter one bit. In this story, Claudia is asked to compare the handwriting of late Torg Sorensen to the signature on his will. The will that leaves basically his entire fortune to his young wife and little to nothing to his grown children. Before she knows it, Claudia is drawn deep down into the lies and mystery of this family along with the academy that they own.
I love a good mystery and this didn't disappoint. This book was fast paced and filled with intrigue and it was fun to just let the author lead me where she wanted to go. I liked that it didn't affect me any that I hadn't read the 1st book yet although after reading this I'm definitely going to remedy that. I also thought that forensic handwriting was a different and interesting point of view to help solve the mystery from. With so many mysteries out in the reader world, this was something unique and interesting to read about. I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next book that she writes.
My Rating: 4 out of 5


  1. I have the first of this series on the way. I wanted to read that one first, before reading book two!

  2. I've got this one on my TBRs. So glad to see that you enjoyed it!

  3. Ahhh please don't point me to any more great series!!!

    :) of course I will be adding this to the TBR. Thanks for the great review.

  4. J.Kaye- I'm planning on reading the 1st one as well. I'll look forward to your reviews :)

    Bookfool- Hope you enjoy this book as well and I'll watch for your review.

    Amy- LOL! I need another series like I need...hmm..I don't know what. But I enjoyed this book and hope that you will too :)

  5. I haven't heard of this series. But it does sound good. Nice review!!

  6. Stephanie- I enjoyed it and will be looking for more. I need to pick up the 1st book as well. Hope you enjoy it too!


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